CSR Lookup


Written by norman yamuyam. Posted in Support & Training

Online Learning - SkillSoft


SkillSoft is your online training resource containing self-paced online and instructor-led training on a variety of topics, as well as access to a vast library via the Books 24x7 program. Best of all, you can access it all at no cost through the campus portal.

To skip to a set of directions, click one of the following options:

SkillSoft Resources

Faculty, Staff and Student Employees - Directions to access SkillSoft

  1. Go to mycuinfo.colorado.edu and login with your IdentiKey.
  2. Click on the CU Resources tab.

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 2

  3. Click Training.

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 3

  4. Click Start Skillsoft.

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 4

  5. Click Catalog

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 5

  6. Select the folder topic

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 6

  7. Click the course title or [Launch]

    Visual for Skillsoft staff step 7

  8. SkillSoft user guides are at SkillSoft Resources

Students - Directions to access SkillSoft

  1. Go to MyCUInfo portal and login with your IdentiKey.
  2. Click on the Student tab.

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 2

  3. From the right side panel click on Online Learning through SkillSoft.

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 3

  4. Click on the Start Online Training button.

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 4

  5. Click Catalog

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 5

  6. Select the folder topic

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 6

  7. Click the course title or [Launch]

    Visual for Skillsoft student step 7

  8. SkillSoft user guides are at SkillSoft Resources