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Prof. Cayamanda elected PACE Trustee

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

2021 102321 PACE OATH 01 33


Assoc. Prof. Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda of the Dept. of Humanities (top, third from left) took her oath of office as a Trustee of the Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE) on 23 October 2021, alongside its other newly-elected officials for the school years of 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. Dr. Rowena Capulong Reyes, dean of Far Eastern University’s Institute of Arts and Sciences and PACE ex-officio trustee, originally announced the election of Prof. Cayamanda in an October 20 letter to UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal.  Dr. Reyes introduced PACE as “the pioneer national organization of teachers of communication, broadcasting, and journalism,” and the “biggest, and most dynamic.” With the election of Prof. Cayamanda, “we hope that your institution will extend all possible support and consideration to her as elected PACE officer,” she said. 

Prof. Cayamanda, for her part, announced the release of the book “The World in a Different Perspective: Rebuilding Lessons After a Crisis” (ISBN 978-621-96514-0-0), which she served as co-editor. A copy of the book was donated to the National Library by its publisher, the Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated (IIARI), where Prof. Cayamanda also served as Director for Conferences and Events for 2021.

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