Latest Announcements

Peer Tutorial Sessions

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

2022 051522 ILC LRC
The Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center (ILC/LRC) will conduct peer tutorial sessions to help students prepare for final exams. For this, the ILC/LRC is sending out a survey to identify which courses and topics to cover in the tutorial sessions. Students can help by answering the survey form. Students may also submit the topics they want to be discussed during the tutorials.
To answer the survey, click this link
For inquiries, send a message or email at

Your UP alumni email

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

Are you tired of the ever-changing popularity and fates of web-based email providers? Worry no more! Dahil dito sa UP, may Forever!

The University of the Philippines offers a lifelong commitment to provide you with your very own UP Alumni email account!

This UP Alumni email account marks you as a proud Iskolar ng Bayan, and stands as your enduring connection with the University.  You will receive the latest updates on University events, programs, and special announcements straight to your inbox, including opportunities for donation or volunteerism. This is a G Suite for Education account that allows you to use other Google services, such as Gmail, Google+, Google Drive, and Google Groups using your UP Alumni email account. You can even update your personal information in the UP Alumni Database using your account!

If you have any questions regarding this new e-mail service, please don't hesitate to ask  or (02) 8376-3100.

Register now to get your very own UP Alumni email account at or scan the QR code on the poster.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay Connected with UP!

AER May promotion-full color RESIZ33 


UP System - Office of Alumni Relations
UP Trunkline: (02) 8981-8500 local: 4251 / 4252
Direct Line: (02) 8929-8226
Address: Fonacier Hall, R. Magsaysay Ave., UP Diliman, Q.C. 1101

UP Quality Policy (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

2022 051022 QUALITY POLICY
File image of the UP Quality Policy upon first approval on April 2, 2022 
Quality Policy
The University of the Philippines commits to meeting standards of academic excellence as guided by the UP Charter and defined within the changing context of national, regional, and global developments that profoundly impact universities worldwide.
UP is committed to creating and sustaining a quality culture in all its programs and constituent units supported by a quality management system of global standards to fulfill its vision, mission, and mandate.
With this system, UP shall:
• Produce graduates who will lead in the advancement of knowledge, contribute to national development, and thrive in a changing global landscape;
• Undertake research and creative work to contribute to the pursuit, creation, and translation of knowledge into innovative solutions to national and global problems and challenges;
• Spearhead public service work that brings about meaningful change in the community and the country; 
• Create an environment that supports the holistic development of its students, faculty, research and extension personnel, professional staff, administrative staff, and other stakeholders;
• Deliver stakeholder-driven support services and adhere to the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
• [Update] Align our policies on research and innovation, activities in teaching and learning, and outreach engagements with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a guide to the continuous improvement of the University's performance in carrying out its mandate, the UP Quality Policy shall be communicated to all stakeholders.

[Update] UP recognizes that to sustain academic excellence, a quality assurance system will enable it to continuously enhance the quality and relevance of its academic programs. The UP Quality Assurance System, previously known as the Academic Assessment and Development System, aims to assure the Filipino public as well as national and international stakeholders that UP programs and delivering units meet standards of academic excellence as currently defined within the changing context of local, national, regional and global developments that have had a profound impact on universities worldwide.

For more information on the Quality Assurance System of the University of the Philippines, please click here.


Grading Policy, 04 May 2022

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements


Maria Cynthia Rose Banzon Bautista, PhD

Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of the Philippines System
3rd Floor, North Wing
Quezon Hall
Diliman, Quezon City 1101 PHILIPPINES
Tel. 632-9818500 local 2528, Mobile +63-919-061-6426


Since the COVID-19 pandemic upended our world in the Second Semester of AY2019-2020, the University of the Philippines has adjusted its academic calendar, mode of course delivery, academic rules, and grading system, guided by three imperatives: Protect the UP community from the pandemic; Sustain the continuity of instruction and learning, and Consider equity concerns in policy decisions.

As we transition to the next normal of teaching and learning in UP in the First Semester AY 2022-2023, we continue to abide by the principles that guided us at the height of the pandemic.  The University remains committed not only to sustaining learning continuity amidst disruptions but to sharpening its focus on how to effectively produce future leaders in different branches of knowledge who embody excellence and honor as well as possess the 21st-century skills needed to address multifarious challenges and thrive in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.   

Against this backdrop, UP’s grading policy for the Second Semester of AY2021-2022 must be viewed within a temporal context. Like the 11 January, 2022 OVPAA Memorandum 2022-09 on the university policies that apply to the Second Semester/Trimester, Third Trimester, and Midyear 2022, this semester's grading policy does not yet reflect our projected transition to the next normal in the First Semester AY 2022-2023. As a case in point, the no-fail policy remains in force for the remainder of AY 2021-2022. However, unlike the previous semesters, the University rules on giving an INC will now be strictly applied.

Thus, a faculty member may DROP a student whose status is failing or whose performance is unsatisfactory, but no student shall receive a grade of 4 or 5. The ‘DRP’ will be annotated in the Transcript of Records with “due to COVID-19 pandemic”. 

For the guidance of the faculty, students

                      i.    who never participated in class nor communicated with the course instructor/s may be given a DRP;

                     ii.    with incomplete requirements and failing standing shall be given a DRP;

                   iii.    with incomplete requirements but failing standing even if they receive perfect score/s in their lacking requirement/s may be issued a DRP;

                   iv.    with incomplete requirements but passing standing shall be given an INC;

                     v.    with complete requirements but failing standing shall be given a DRP;

                   vi.    with complete requirements and passing standing shall be given a final grade; and,

                 vii.    enrolled in courses (e.g., laboratory, thesis, dissertation) requiring face-to-face activities to complete requirements will have their grades deferred in consonance with OVPAA Memo 2021-19A. A grade will be given if these courses have been allowed to conduct limited face-to-face or alternatives provided by OVPAA Memo 2021-57. 

An INC incurred for a course in the Second Semester/Trimester, Third Trimester AY 2021-2022, and Midyear 2022 that is not completed within the prescription period of one year will remain an INC and annotated with "due to COVID-19 pandemic". Should the student opt to re-enroll a course for which s/he earned an INC in the subsequent term and later decide to complete the INC during the prescription period, s/he should first drop the re-enrolled course.

Grades in the Second Semester/Trimester, Third Trimester AY 2021-2022, and Midyear 2022 are included in the general weighted average (GWA) computation. 

Faculty members are enjoined to exercise utmost prudence in using the DROP option for students in difficult circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic or the devastating typhoons, who, in their judgment, are nevertheless striving to meet academic requirements

The “no-fail policy” is not applicable in cases where the student is guilty of intellectual dishonesty. University procedures should be followed in processing student disciplinary cases.

Thank you. 

UP Alumni Association Davao elections, 2022

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements


UPAA Davao will hold its Election of Directors on 12-13 May 2022 via:

1. email submission of ballots to  or

2. manual voting, from 9am to 12nn and 1pm to 4pm, at UP Mindanao Foundation Inc. (UPMFI) office at 2/F Quitain Building, Anda Street, Davao City, subject to strict adherence to health protocols. (Note: UPMFI Office is only open MWF, so manual voting can only be done on 13 May 2022). Members are encouraged to vote by email.

The Election Committee is now accepting nominations for seven (7) board seats with a term of two (2) years. Deadline for submission of nominations is 5pm of 09 May 2022 to allow the Election Committee to verify the names and membership status of the persons nominated. Nomination forms may be downloaded at Members may also request for the nomination forms to be emailed to them by sending a request to , or 09176340619. Please note that the person nominated must accept the nomination. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the email addresses above or to UPMFI. The Election Committee will post the official list of candidates on the UPAA Davao FB page.

All members are requested to personally cast their votes or through proxy. Proxy forms may be downloaded at Members may also request for the proxy forms to be emailed to them by sending a request to the emails and number provided. All proxy forms must be submitted by email not later than 5pm of 11 May 2021 or at the UPMFI office.

Ballot forms will be posted in the UPAA Davao FB page together with the official list of candidates. Proxy holders must submit one ballot for each proxy held. Counting will be done on 13 May 2022 from 6pm-9pm and will be broadcast live at the UPAA Davao FB page. The election results will be announced at the General Assembly (date and time To Be Announced). 

See you on election days and at the General Assembly.

UPAA Davao Election Committee

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