College of Humanities and Social Sciences

UPMin experts train BARMM-MHSD in CLUP skills

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News

2022 071222 BARMM 03 2022 071222 BARMM 02
UP Mindanao’s Department of Architecture team meet with officials of BARMM Ministry of Human Settlements & Development

Prof. Malaque discusses with Ms. May Quezada, Planning and Development Coordinator of Parang

   University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao’s Prof. Isidoro Malaque III led a team of architects and environmental planners to help capacitate planners of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) with technical skills for the formulation and updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP).
     Mr. Abdulhamid Alawi, Jr., chief of the Policy Development and Coordination Office of the BARMM Ministry of Human Settlements & Development (MHSD), introduced the MHSD Laboratory app, which contains information on the local government units, to the UPMin team upon their arrival.
     The team then visited the planning and development coordinators (PDCs) of Cotabato City, Parang, and Sultan Mastura towns in Maguindanao province to discuss practical tasks in formulating and updating their respective CLUPs.
     “We are impressed with the MHSD Lab application. It is good that the local government unit profiles and the status of their respective CLUPs are now in your MHSD Lab database,” said Prof. Malaque, the chairperson of the UP Mindanao Department of Architecture (DA) and team leader.
     “You already have the knowledge; we have the tools,” said Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel, the coordinator of UPMin’s Diploma and Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning (DURP/MAURP) programs. Arch. Ryan Songcayauon and Engr. Micah Amor Yares, both assistant professors, completed the UPMin team during the July 12, 2022 visit.
     "This is our academic extension offering for the BARMM, which our chancellor, Prof. Lyre Murao, asked of us," said Prof. Malaque, referring to the UP Mindanao chancellor’s plan of reaching out to the BARMM.
      "As our chancellor and UP Mindanao aims for a target number in our extension programs in the BARMM, this might count as one," he said.  
(Photos courtesy of BARMM-MHSD)

Call for Abstracts: Kahimunan Mindanao Research Colloquium

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News

2022 070422 KAHIMUNAN 2The UP MINDANAO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN KINETICS invites all Mindanao researchers/scholars in the field of Sports and Physical Education to the "Kahimunan Mindanao Research Colloquium" in November 2022.

If you are interested in presenting your research in this colloquium, please submit the abstract of your study to .

Subject line: “KAHIMUNAN 2022 ABSTRACT”

Submit on or before JULY 15, 2022

For inquiries, you may contact the Kahimunan Secretariat: Mae Cana Namis through 0997-2965-087

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