
Incident Command System Activated for City-wide Earthquake Exercise

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums


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The ICS team and visitors at the evacuation assembly point in the Davao City-UP Sports Complex
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The EBL Hall dormitory ICS team and transients

The UP Mindanao Incident Command System was activated for the 4th Davao City-Wide Full-Scale Earthquake and Tsunami Shake-Out Simulation Exercise on July 26, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Since there were no classes on campus, the exercise participants were administrative personnel, qualifiers going through the admission process, some guests, and service suppliers.

Three siren calls were sounded throughout the exercise. On the first siren, the personnel did the "duck-cover-and-hold" routine in their places. On the second siren, the personnel took a brisk but orderly building evacuation and gathered at the designated assembly points.

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Evacuation of the Administration Building 
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Personnel at the Physical Plant Office grounds 

The evacuation was carried out in the seven main campus buildings. At the outdoor assembly areas, the personnel and guests conducted an inventory of their colleagues. The building clearing teams were activated and dispatched to the buildings for the inspection routine. After the personnel inventory and building clearing, the third siren signal, the “all clear” siren, was sounded, and the personnel and guests returned to the buildings to resume their work and business.

The Incident Command System members reviewed the routines that were carried out and deemed the Exercise a worthwhile success.        

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