[UPDATED] Highlights in March (part 2) + Chancellor's PAC Report
Read: Chancellor's March 2021 Report to the President's Advisory Council
01 - 31 March - The University of the Philippines Mindanao joins the country in celebrating the 2021 National Women's Month (NWM). In line with this year's campaign, "Juana Laban sa Pandemya: Kaya!", we are proud to highlight resilience during this pandemic time through this photo series. #WomenMakeChange. To learn more and participate in other NWM initiatives, visit https://pcw.gov.ph/2021-national-womens-month/
17, 24, and 31 March - "Towards 100 Years of Resilience: From the Helm of the University Library" A three-part online lecture series/webinar on the development of the University Library. On 17, 24, and 31 March 2021, 2:00 - 4:00 PM via Zoom Webinar. Register through the link: https://up-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TBfuBd_gTo6Ur5M0XwskfA.
- Calendar of Activities
- Program for 17 March - Experiences from UPD
- Program for 24 March - Experiences from UPM, UPB, and UPMin
- Program for 31 March - Experiences from UPLB, UPCebu, UPV, and UPOU
23-26 March - Arki Week, spearheaded by the Architecture Student Council. #UPMindanAW2021
27 March - "#GirlBoss Breaking Barriers: A Storytelling of Women Startup Founders," 27 March 2021 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Registration: https://bit.ly/3bcivNw. Organized by the University of the Philippines Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGraDE), Gender and Development Office, and Davao City Integrated Gender and Development Division, in line with the National Women’s Month celebration.
29 March - "Forum on UP Mindanao Women/Gender Studies: Perspectives, Policies, Provisions," 29 March 2021, 1-4PM Via Zoom™. For more details http://bit.ly/29March2021Announcement. Register at bit.ly/UPMinGADWebinar1
30 - 31 March - Assoc. Prof. John Bengan is the emcee at the online "Reading the Regions 2" conference that is organized by the National Committee on Literary Arts
31 March - "Save Lives & Strengthen Resiliency: Basic Disaster Preparedness & Earthquake Drill" a webinar on earthquake and flood preparedness. 31 March 2021: Session 1: 9AM - 12PM, Earthquake Preparedness; Session 2: 1PM - 4PM, Flood Preparedness. Registration link: http://bit.ly/3lpF6K9.