Latest Announcements

Extension of the call for nominations for the next Chancellor (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

Invitation 2day Program-vision consultation interview of addtnl nominee Chancellor UPMin 2-3 Feb 2022 final Invitation 2day Program-vision consultation interview of addtnl nominee Chancellor UPMin 2-3 Feb 2022 final
Dear all,
It is my great pleasure to invite everyone to attend and participate in the extension of the call for nominations for the next Chancellor of UP Mindanao this February 2 & 3, 2022.
We have only one additional nominee in the person of Dr. Lyre E. Murao. The other one backed out for personal reasons.
Please find attached the following:
a) 2 day program (Feb 2 & 3, 2022)
Please invite your colleagues, friends, and others to these activities.
Warm regards,
Cleto L Nanola Jr,
Chair Search Committee

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