Latest Announcements

UP Quality Policy (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

2022 051022 QUALITY POLICY
File image of the UP Quality Policy upon first approval on April 2, 2022 
Quality Policy
The University of the Philippines commits to meeting standards of academic excellence as guided by the UP Charter and defined within the changing context of national, regional, and global developments that profoundly impact universities worldwide.
UP is committed to creating and sustaining a quality culture in all its programs and constituent units supported by a quality management system of global standards to fulfill its vision, mission, and mandate.
With this system, UP shall:
• Produce graduates who will lead in the advancement of knowledge, contribute to national development, and thrive in a changing global landscape;
• Undertake research and creative work to contribute to the pursuit, creation, and translation of knowledge into innovative solutions to national and global problems and challenges;
• Spearhead public service work that brings about meaningful change in the community and the country; 
• Create an environment that supports the holistic development of its students, faculty, research and extension personnel, professional staff, administrative staff, and other stakeholders;
• Deliver stakeholder-driven support services and adhere to the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
• [Update] Align our policies on research and innovation, activities in teaching and learning, and outreach engagements with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a guide to the continuous improvement of the University's performance in carrying out its mandate, the UP Quality Policy shall be communicated to all stakeholders.

[Update] UP recognizes that to sustain academic excellence, a quality assurance system will enable it to continuously enhance the quality and relevance of its academic programs. The UP Quality Assurance System, previously known as the Academic Assessment and Development System, aims to assure the Filipino public as well as national and international stakeholders that UP programs and delivering units meet standards of academic excellence as currently defined within the changing context of local, national, regional and global developments that have had a profound impact on universities worldwide.

For more information on the Quality Assurance System of the University of the Philippines, please click here.


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