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UPCAT2025 promoted in Affirmative Action campaigns

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

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Teams from the University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) carried out the Affirmative Action Program throughout May 2024 to promote applications and preparations for the UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) 2025.

Career talks, a UP college orientation, academic enhancement sessions, and a UPCAT test simulation comprise the Affirmative Action services to prepare senior high school students for the UPCAT2025, which will be held on August 10-11, 2024.

Faculty members from the colleges, student volunteers from the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod volunteer program, and staff members from the Registrar's, the Extension, and other offices comprised the Affirmative Action teams to the various public high schools.

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Asst. Prof. Marbie Alpos introduces the BS Food Technology program in Mintal Comprehensive High School   

The first destination was Tamugan National High School in Davao City's remote 3rd District on April 25 and 27, 2024. This was followed on May 16, 2024, at Mintal Comprehensive High School, where Principal Rodrigo Cayanong brought some 200 senior high school students to hear the orientations and test their abilities in a test simulation. 

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Director Marie Therese Bustos presents the UPCAT in Sulu National High School  

On May 21, 2024, the combined UPMin and UP System Ugnayan ng Pahinungod team delivered the UPCAT2025 Affirmative Action to remote Sulu Province in southwestern Mindanao. Sulu National High School Principal Dharwin Pangambayan and faculty administrator Ruffa Julong led their Grade 11 students to hear Ugnayan ng Pahinungód System Director Marie Therese Bustos give the UPCAT Orientation and UP Baguio Pahinungód Director Andrei Bugnay to present the UP offerings, after which the students took the simulation exam. The team also delivered the Affirmative Action campaign to students of the Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades, the Jolo Agricultural School, and the Jolo School of Fisheries in Sulu Province on the same day.

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The Ugnayan ng Pahinungod team with Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan (right-most) 

Earlier, the UP-wide Ugnayan ng Pahinungód Council and staff met Sulu Governor Abdusakur M. Tan in a courtesy call at the Sulu Provincial Capitol on May 20, 2024, after which they held the Pahinungód Council Meeting at Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades (HBSAT) which was facilitated by HBSAT focal person Ms. Rosema G. Lukman.

The Affirmative Action campaigns align with the UP Strategic Plan item to bring UP education to students from geographically remote and underserved areas. The campaigns also address the Sustainable Development Goals of Quality Education, among the other goals.   

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