
Biodiversity+Infrastructure Forum (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Lectures

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Dean Cleto Nanola Jr.

Conservationists and architects met at the "Biodiversity+Infrastructure Forum" on March 12, 2024, to share research findings with students and harmonize efforts to support conservation on the campus and in other public spaces.

Dean Cleto Nanola, in his Welcome Remarks as Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Chancellor, disclosed that criteria are being crafted for the declaration of Key Biodiversity Areas worldwide. This follows growing awareness that human-animal interaction cannot be separated, as they "take care of each other for their well-being." 

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Asst. Prof. Mac Achondo

Asst. Prof. Marion John Michael Achondo of the Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies (DBSES) reviewed the UP Mindanao campus biodiversity assessment efforts from 2008, continuing to the present. He declared that the campus is rich in biodiversity and a haven for wildlife. He passed over each campus landmark and enumerated the observed wildlife, including a 20-hectare forest. Their research showed that the campus has 99 species of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife, excluding domesticated animals. This assessment includes birds, amphibians, mammals, and reptiles, including 13 snake species. Eighteen are threatened species. This wildlife biodiversity provides ecosystem services that support human well-being and quality of life. 

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Dr. Jayson Ibanez, Prof. Mac Achondo, Prof. Ryan Songcayauon, and Michael Bonghanoy, moderator 

Philippine Eagle conservationist Dr. Jayson Ibanez, in his reaction, said the research can enter university constituents' and neighborhood residents' mindfulness and open their eyes to the campus as a shared space. Architect and Asst. Prof. Ryan Songcayauon, in his own feedback, stated that the DBSES was mentioned 18 times during the creation of the UP Mindanao Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP), presumably for biodiversity considerations. He likewise proposed the preservation of the forest found on campus. Retired professor Dr. Ruth Gamboa, in a video message, stated her belief that the department will "make sure that wildlife in the campus will be in the equation in campus development."

The opening of the "Shared Spaces/Shared Future" exhibit from the WISER BioCon Lab followed the forum. The acronym stands for Wildlife-Human Interaction Studies, Ecological Research, and Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory, which has produced posters, a calendar, and a book publication. The exhibit, on display from 12-15 March 2024, illustrates the campus locations and the wildlife found on the sites.

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Asst. Prof. Achondo and Prof. Karen Joyce Cayamanda open the exhibit  A display of birds seen on campus 
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The exhibit organizers and patrons  Biodiversity found at the Administrative Building area 
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A civet cat on campus A snake on campus
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Students at the exhibit The WISER team

The original post is below.

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The WISER BioCon Lab, under the Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies- UP Mindanao, and the UPMin Office of Research would like to invite interested participants to the forum "BIODIVERSITY+INFRASTRUCTURE: Convergence and Divergence" on 12 March 2024 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the UP Mindanao Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM) Complex, Mintal, Davao City.

The forum will feature the work of lab researchers in conversation with a conservationist, Dr. Jayson Ibanez of the Philippine Eagle Foundation, and an architect, a/Prof. Ryan Songcayauon of the UP Mindanao Department of Architecture.

PLUS: The public opening of the exhibit “Shared Spaces / Shared Future” featuring selected images from the upcoming book "Kadaiyahan sa Kinaiyahan: Vol. 1 - The Fauna of UP Mindanao." The exhibit will be on display and open to the public from March 12 to 15, 2024. 

The forum and exhibit will be held at the CARIM Complex. 

REGISTER ONLINE: https://bit.ly/3PfnwZx

The Biodiversity+Infrastructure Forum addresses the Sustainable Development Goals of Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Life on Land, and other goals.  

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