Madayaw News

CHED DARE TO “Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Areas in Davao Gulf.."

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

The CHED DARE TO Project “Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Areas in Davao Gulf to Climate-related Hazards” will hold its “Presentation of Outputs and Virtual Map Turnover Ceremony” on 14 May 2021 from 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM. The research project presentation culminates the three-year partnership between the University of the Philippines Mindanao, the Davao del Norte State College, and local government units located in the Davao Gulf.

The project goals are to provide science-based and dynamic assessments of physical, biological, and socio-economic factors to generate vulnerability maps. 

Some of the specific goals are:
  • to assess climate-related stimuli affecting the conditions of coastal resources, particularly mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs,
  • to assess the socio-economic situation of the fishing communities and the status of fisheries and aquaculture surrounding Davao Gulf
  • to produce training for research personnel, capability-building for local officers and personnel of various local government units (LGUs) located along Davao Gulf; produce various maps, publications, and policy briefs.

 The project outputs will help the communities located along the Davao Gulf to understand and be aware of how climate change, human actions, and government efforts affect the overall health of coastal resources, the stability of the fishery sector, and the livelihood conditions of local fishing communities. 


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