Madayaw News

PPP's Call for Participants for KIST Park

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

2023 KIST 081123
The Public Private Partnership Center, a government agency, issued the Call for Participants: Preliminary Market Sounding Exercise for the proposed UPMin Knowledge, Innovation, Science & Technology (KIST) Park, as follows:  
The University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin), with support from the PPP Center, intends to implement the UP Mindanao KIST Park Project (the “Project”), located in Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City, through public-private-partnership (PPP). Aligned with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028, the Project is identified to contribute to putting up infrastructure facilities, in partnership with the private sector, to reduce the complexity and upfront costs and risks for private research and development (R&D).
As part of the initial stages of project development, the PPP Center and UPMin are conducting this preliminary market-sounding activity to solicit insights and feedback on the project terms from interested private sector partners. This activity will run from July 31-August 11, 2023, and will be facilitated through email correspondence of the questionnaires.
The objectives of the Preliminary Market Sounding Activity are as follows:
• To discuss the scope and details of the Project;
• To ascertain the level of interest of the private sector to undertake the same;
• To gather initial feedback from potential project sponsors, contractors/operators, and financiers; and
• To identify potential issues or problems that may affect the viability of these projects.
For those interested to participate in the Preliminary Market Sounding Activity, please sign-up by clicking the Registration Form link below:
By signing up to participate, you will be able to receive through email the preliminary market-sounding questionnaire form where you will be able to provide your insights and feedback. All information provided herein shall be kept private and confidential by the PPP Center and shall be used solely for legal purposes as mandated by the Data Privacy Act and other relevant laws.
Registration is open until August 04, 2023.

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