Madayaw News

UP Mindanao joins Panata Kontra Fake News

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

2024 083024 GMA PANATA08
Chancellor Lyre Murao joins the signing ceremony via Zoom alongside heads of other HEIs

UP Mindanao joined "Panata Kontra Fake News," GMA Network's campaign against fake news on August 30, 2024. Chancellor Lyre Anni E. Murao, representing UP Mindanao, signed the agreement via Zoom in the signing ceremony alongside 60 partners from major Philippine media organizations, social media platforms, and academic institutions. 

2024 083024 GMA PANATA06
The on-site signing ceremony at GMA Network  

Through the agreement, UP Mindanao reiterated its commitment to honor in rejecting and challenging falsehoods and maintaining ethical standards. Pursuing excellence drives us to seek and share accurate information, fostering a culture of critical thinking and well-informed decision-making. Additionally, our dedication to service demands that we protect the public from the harm of fake news, promoting a society that is well-informed and capable of engaging in meaningful and constructive dialogue. By combating misinformation, we not only safeguard the truth, but also exemplify the values that define UP.

The launch of the media-led advocacy campaign against fake news coincides with the observance of National Press Freedom Day.

Screenshots courtesy of GMA Integrated News Facebook Live.

#UPMindanao #UPMin #PanataKontraFakeNews

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