Student Life

“You are here” – UP Mindanao 24th Commencement Exercises and Investiture Ceremony (Trailer)

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“With your smile and your Sablay


and despite and in spite of everything…


celebrate and reminisce


because YOU ARE HERE.”


Our graduation trailer is up! Watch it now on:


Join us as we celebrate the 24th Commencement Exercises and Investiture of Prof. Lyre Anni E. Murao as the 6th Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Mindanao on 19 July 2022 at 9:00 AM on our YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.


Don’t forget to follow us for more updates:








#UPMinGraduation2022 #UPMinCLAEMInvestiture






Video: Donetha Grace Merka, Gabryll Pelayre


Voice: Lialle Juliana Golde


Editing: Gabryll Pelayre, Samuelle Marionne Sanchez


Music: Robert Schumann, “Of Foreign Lands and Peoples” (from “Scenes from Childhood”, Op. 15, No. 1) performed by Samuelle Marionne Sanchez


Text inspired from the valedictory speech of Hazel Jumawan, BSArch., UPMin Class of 2020




Off-Campus MS in Human Movement Science to be opened

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2022 060922 MSHMSThe MS in Human Movement Science will be offered in UP Mindanao beginning Academic Year 2022-2023, in September 2022. In preparation for this, the Department of Human Kinetics held the "Forum on the Off-Campus Offering of UP Diliman's Master of Science in Human Movement Science in UP Mindanao" on 09 June 2022.

Ms. Zenia Sanchez, in her presentation, expressed the MSHMS's goals "to equip its graduate with critical inquiry and research skills" and "contribute to nation-building through the promotion of human movement/physical activity-related pursuits."

Prof. Jonathan Cagas, the graduate studies coordinator of UP Diliman's College of Human Kinetics, answered questions regarding admissions. About 30 people who expressed interest in the degree program attended the forum.

UP Mindanao is working towards a proposed College of Human Kinetics. It presently offers the Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science (DESS) and the new Associate in Arts in Sports Studies (AASS). Undergoing final preparations are the Bachelor of Sports Science and the MSHMS.

The MSHMS in AY 2022-23 will be open for graduates of BS Education major in Physical Education, Bachelor of Physical Education, and DESS. As a UP Diliman off-campus extension program, pioneer graduates of MSHMS in UP Mindanao will receive a UP Diliman diploma.

[Clarification: UP Diliman is offering the MSHMS. UP Mindanao will only host it. The teaching faculty will be from the UP Diliman College of Human Kinetics, augmented by a UP Mindanao faculty member]

Student Recognition: Over 600 students earn honors

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20220523 recognition headlineEarlier today, 23 May, the University of the Philippines Mindanao recognized over 600 University and College Scholars alongside students with special certifications during its virtual Student Recognition ceremony.
The event acknowledged the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of the student awardees during the Second Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021 and First Semester of Academic Year 2021-2022, both of which were conducted remotely. Special awardees from the BS Architecture program also received their Certificate of Building Technology and Certificate of Proficiency on Basic Computer-Aided Drafting and Design.
Chancellor Lyre Anni E. Murao welcomed the students and the guests to the ceremony and commended the efforts of students, parents, and faculty in overcoming the hurdles brought about by the new learning setup due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In her remarks, she emphasized that “UP Mindanao respects the diversity of convictions and beliefs that encompass the broad ideological spectrum… we encourage freedom of thought and expression as long as it is within legal bounds.” 
Related to this, she called for everyone to observe sobriety and objectivity given the current escalation of tensions brought about by hasty generalizations, subjecting the entire UP Mindanao community to undue stress due to personal and social media harassment. Chancellor Murao then promised the students: The administration will continue to protect you against any form of harassment. In turn, promise me also that you will use your critical thinking in the right track for national development.
Asst. Prof. Kriza Faye A. Calumba, a graduate of the BS Food Technology program in 2014 with the distinction of magna cum laude, graced the event to give her inspirational message. In her speech, she recalls her active memberships in various student organizations and how these engagements contributed in shaping her as a genuine “Iskolar ng Bayan.” As a currently-serving faculty member in the College of Science and Mathematics, she emphasized that each student’s experience is unique. In closing, Calumba echoed Chancellor Murao’s message to use critical thinking on the right track toward national development, and reminded the awardees to “always stay empowered, so you can also empower others.”
During the event, almost 200 student awardees attended the Zoom webinar, and more than 200 concurrent views from the YouTube livestream were recorded. Performances from the UP Mindanao Koro Kantahanay, UP Mindanao Dance Ensemble, and students from the BA Communication and Media Arts program entertained the awardees and guests.
The event was organized by the Offices of the University Registrar and respective College Secretaries, under the direction of the Project Development Assistant for Cultural Affairs supported by the Information Technology Office.

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