"Towards Creating Impacts: UP Mindanao-Funded Researches" and "AI and Robotics Programs of UP Mindanao"

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Report

2022 022322 CARIM 04 2022 022322 CARIM 06
The CARIM forum panel Prof. Rubrico
The Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM) held the twin online event "Towards Creating Impacts: UP Mindanao-Funded Researches" and "Launching of AI and Robotics R&D Flagship Programs of UP Mindanao" on 23 February 2022. CARIM director Prof. Emma Ruth Bayogan gave the opening remarks and vice-chancellor for administration Assoc. Prof. Karen Joyce Cayamanda delivered the closing. In between, University Research Associate Remie Aurelio served as emcee, and Development Management Officer Mitchiko Lopez and Assoc. Prof. Ritchie Mae Gamot facilitated the discussions. 
Asst. Prof. Leo Manuel Estaña (Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science) presented his research, “Yellow Saddle Goatfish Algorithm - Optimized Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem, ”an optimization model of cooperative behavior observed in a fish species. Aside from the results and implications, future projects are contemplated to sustain the initial work involving the stakeholders, particularly the local governments and public organizations in the project site.

Prof. Jose Ildefonso Rubrico (also of the DMPCS) led the UP Mindanao launch of the two flagship programs on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, as program leader of both programs. He delivered a talk/lecture entitled, “Empowering the Filipino Nation: Flagship R&D Programs for AI and Robotics Innovation and Capability-Building at the Grassroots.” 

The two research programs, the Philippine Sky Artificial Intelligence Program (SkAI-Pinas) and the Autonomous Societally Inspired Mission Oriented Vehicles Program (ASIMOV) are the flagship R&D initiatives of the DOST in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-Robotics, respectively. The two AI programs were launched in an online event led by DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña, Undersecretary for R&D Rowena Cristina Guevara, and PCIEERD Executive Director Enrico Paringit on April 8, 2021, along with five other AI projects as part of the DOST Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) Artificial Intelligence R&D (AI Pinas) Program. The occasion also included the virtual turnover of High-Performance Computing (HPC) machines to the implementing agencies of the AI projects; UP Mindanao received its HPC machine – the first-ever of this high-end supercomputing caliber - on May 3, 2021. The three-year SkAI-Pinas and ASIMOV Programs, combined for a total grant of around Php 427 million upon their approval in 2020, with UP Mindanao serving as the lead implementing agency, in close partnership with the DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI). Prof. Jose Ildefonso U. Rubrico, Ph.D., a Professor of the University with the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, serves as the Program Leader for both the SkAI-Pinas and ASIMOV R&D initiatives. He is a DOST Balik-Scientist and UP System Balik PhD.
ASIMOV, the first full-scale AI and robotics initiative of its kind in the Philippines, officially commenced on June 15, 2021, as the flagship R&D program of the DOST in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AI-Robotics), with a total budget of around Php 54 million from the DOST-PCIEERD. Prof. Rubrico said that the program is aimed at developing autonomous robots capable of independent navigation, collision avoidance, vision-based feature detection, and environmental mapping to be deployed in the field under real-life conditions, particularly in unstructured and dynamic environments. As such, the hiring of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers was opened for the aerial component of the ASIMOV Program being implemented in UP Mindanao, namely, the “Harmonized Aerial Watch and Knowledge-based Survey” or HAWKS Project. The ASIMOV Program builds on the results of the AI-Robot Project, a grassroots research endeavor in AI-Robotics which was initiated and led by Prof. Rubrico during his engagement as a Balik-Scientist hosted by the DOST-ASTI in 2017 and 2018.
SkAI-Pinas, funded through the DOST Grants-in-Aid (GIA) program, began its implementation on October 1, 2021, as the flagship R&D program of the DOST in Artificial Intelligence with a total revised budget of around Php 210 million, reflecting the involvement of the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) in providing some of the key resources previously covered by the original DOST grant of roughly Php 374 million. The SkAI-Pinas Program is a large-scale extension of Project ALaM, a grassroots research endeavor in Artificial Intelligence that was also initiated and led by Prof. Rubrico during his engagement as a Balik-Scientist hosted by the DOST-ASTI in 2017 and 2018. Through the program’s component projects, like the “Automated Labeling Machine – Large-Scale Initiative” (ALaM-LSI) being implemented in UP Mindanao, the previous efforts are significantly expanded to bridge the gap between big data availability and the lack of a sustainable technology-based framework that is needed for the widespread, rapid, and democratized development and deployment of remote sensing applications. 
The SkAI-Pinas and ASIMOV Programs are also meant to increase the visibility and footprint of UP Mindanao, particularly in the emerging technologies sector, and to attract and capacitate research staff and faculty towards the establishment of a College of Engineering in the University with a strong ICT component. To date, linkages have been formalized via corresponding MOAs with two Philippine Science High School campuses (SMC and ZRC), and partnerships with various relevant parties in industry, academia, and the government are being forged. Support from the industry (Davao UAS Photography) in the form of an equipment endowment has also been received. 
(view the video here: https://youtu.be/gnF-e6DS-4I)

"Fighting Rabies with Knowledge"

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Report

Fighting Rabies with Knowledge: School-based Information and Education Campaigns for Elementary and High School Students
Written by: DT Cutler and KS Sigue
Within the urbanized streets of Davao City, some dogs carry a lethal viral disease called“rabies.” The virus attacks the host’s nervous system, inducing a strong feeling of anxiety, agitation, a fear of water, and then death. Countries in Asia and Africa are still very susceptible to rabies. Fortunately, rabies can be prevented through human and animal vaccination.
Government institutions like the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program (NRPCP), the Department of Agriculture (DA), and the Department of Education (DepEd) are combating rabies spread through information and education campaigns (IEC) in schools. In Davao City, the City Veterinarian's Office (Davao CVO) implemented the Intensified Rabies Control Program (IRCP) with the goal of freeing the city of rabies by 2022. However, there is still an increasing trend in the number of cases reported in the city: 12 cases in 2015, 15 in 2016, 21 in 2017, 51 in 2018, and 29 in 2019, with children below the age of 15 being the most likely victims. This can be attributed to their excitability and limited knowledge of dogs and rabies.
One key factor in addressing this issue is improving the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of children regarding rabies. Davao CVO partnered with various educational institutions to host IEC for rabies. The journal article entitled “School-based Information and Education Campaign (IEC) Program and Knowledge Gain of Student Participants on Rabies in a Private School in Davao City, Philippines” by Zython Paul T. Lachica, Joanna Danielle G. Ang, Pam Danica L. Dy, Cheszka Ysabelle T. Arrieta, Angeline R. Ong, May Anne E. Mata, and Pedro A. Alviola IV published in the Philippine Journal of Science assesses the rabies-related knowledge of 367 elementary and high school students who participated in the IEC by the Davao CVO. To do this, the study provided three (3) different tests: one before the IEC was conducted, one after the IEC is finished, and the final one a month after to see if the information had been retained.
The study found that the students were receptive to the information given as their scores improved after the IEC was conducted. However, it also showed overall lower scores during the retention test as around 58% scored lower a month after the IEC. This shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a negative. It just means that lessons and knowledge on rabies should be reiterated through text messaging and integrating the discussion on rabies prevention in core subjects such as Science and Health, Makabayan (Civics, Social Studies, Geography, and History), Filipino, English, and Mathematics. This study can help the Davao CVO in formulating new tactics for *students to retain their knowledge to achieve rabies-free Davao City in 2022.


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College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)


Date and Venue

Three students won international study grants: Kriza Faye Calumba (BS Food Technology) to National University of Singapore; Nicole Kathryn M. Go and Gian Paulo R. Paglinawan (both BA Communication Arts) to Chulalongkorn University inThailand. Singapore, Thailand, 2012
US-based artists, aerial artist Kennedy Kabasares and dancer Miguel C. Braganza II, gave public lectures to students in 20 July and 16 August, respectively UP Mindanao, 20 July and 16 August 2012
Prof. Maria Araceli Dans-Lee’s illustrated children’s book  “Who Am I?”, was given a book launch in Malaysia by Magicbird Publishing on 04 November 2012. Malaysia, 04 November 2012.
The Tripartite Partnership for Peacebuilding Research with Hiroshima University conducted lectures and forums on Peace Research, Indigenous Peoples, the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, and Updates on the NDF-GRP Talks.  February, July, August, November 2012, Davao City
"UNDERCURRENTS: Imagining a Post-Peace Agreement Period in Mindanao", ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS ON PEACEBUILDING. 01-02 December 2011, Davao City

1st Philippine-Japan Linguistics Conference

October 20-21, 2006, Davao City

RP-Japan Festival 2005 Public Lectures

February 10, 2005, UP Mindanao,

RP-Japan Festival Month

February 14-15, 2005 UP Mindanao

 School of Management (SOM)


Date and Venue

Dean Sylvia Concepcion attended and gave a paper presentation in the international conference, “Value chains for transforming smallholder agriculture”

Ethiopia, November 2012

SOM hosted an Asian Dev. Bank Forum on “Taking the Right Road to Inclusive Growth” with Dr. Norio Usui and Mr. Neeraj Jain, ADB Country Director

UP Mindanao, 31 August 2012

SOM faculty and researchers attended and gave presentations in the 4th International Symposium on Supply Chains 

Cebu City, July 2012

Conference on “Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies: Responding to the Challenge of Linking Small holder Producers to Dynamic Markets”

July 9-12, 2008, Davao City


International Linkage with Universities

Written by Administrator. Posted in Report





Hiroshima University Japan To establish a HiPeC-SSN-UP Mindanao Tripartite Partnership in Davao City to allow researchers to cooperate with local research organizations to seek out and establish peace-building studies beginning April 2011

Curtin University of Technology

Western Australia, Australia

Linking Farmers: Scoping Study (2005-2006)

Linking smallholder vegetable producers in the Philippines to higher value markets (April 2008)

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

The EMC Conservation Collaborative Program: The primary objective of the project is to develop a digital database of land use/ land cover change for the Mt. Apo-EMC Region in collaboration with faculty and staff of UPMIN, with the cooperation of the Philippine Eagle Foundation, Inc.; (September 2004-September 2007)

Osaka University


Research Collaboration with the International Center for Biotechnology

Prof. Lynn Esther E. Rallos (Feb 26 to March 15, 2006)

Nagoya University


Research Collaboration, DNA Sequencing of Vertebrate samples; Dr. Severo T. Bastian (July 23-August 2, 2005; November 1-30, 2005)

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