
Saribuhay Davao Region Wildlife Quiz Bowl & Forum

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News

The Catalunan Pequeno National High School (NHS) team was the Champion in the “Saribuhay Davao Region Wildlife Quiz Bowl” co-organized by the UP Mindanao Biological Society (BioS) student organization and the Philippine Eagle Foundation and held on May 27, 2023, at the Mapua MCM Auditorium in Davao City. The team will represent the Davao Region in the National Wildlife Quiz Bowl to be held in Ormoc City in November 2023. Digos City Senior High School and Bato NHS of Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur, came in second and third place in the field of twenty-one Davao Region high schools.

On the same day, UP Mindanao students gave talks on 20 unique and threatened Philippine wildlife. The Biology 151 Wildlife Studies students introduced and described the Tamaraw, the Rufous Hornbill, the Philippine Flying Lemur, Guttman’s Stream Frog, the Warty Pig, the Philippine Eagle-Owl, the Mindoro Bleeding Heart (bird), the Visayan Spotted Deer, the Philippine Bulbul (bird), the Palawan Peacock Pheasant (bird), the Philippine Slow Loris (primate), the Philippine Crocodile, the Giant Softshell Turtle, the Philippine Pangolin, the Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat, the Philippine Flying Fox, the Mindanao Flying Dragon, the English Orchid, the Golden Crowned Flying Fox, and the Winghead Shark.       

Finally, professionals from the academe, government, and non-government organizations gave educational and inspirational talks on aspects of the biological profession. Davao Oriental State University Professor Ann Cabras spoke on "The Importance and Joy of Studying Beetles." UPMin alumna and San Pedro College Professor Elsa Mae Delima-Baron spoke on "Why Frogs Matter and How We Can Conserve Them." Dept. of the Environment & Natural Resources-Region XI Development Management Officer Jeon Carlo Bendijo gave the "State of Wildlife Conservation in the Davao Region." Entrepreneur and Thinnk Farm founder and CEO Ariestelo Asilo narrated "From Disability to Possibility: The Power of Dreams and Service." Finally, Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Executive Director Lisa Paguntalan discussed "The Power of the Youth in Conservation: The PhilBio Experience."

Event sponsors Cantilan Bank President Gen. William Hotchkiss (Ret.) and Energy Development Corporation Watershed Mgt. Officer Ms. Marisol Pedregosa extended invitations for the students to visit their establishments in their closing messages.

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The awarding ceremonies of the “Saribuhay Davao Region Wildlife Quiz Bowl” show (front row, left-right) champions Mariam Bajo, Andrea Olar, and teacher Kamsha Pempina of Catalunan Pequeno National High School, 2nd placers Chaerish Say-a, Alexa Cualquera, and teacher Miraluz Laranjo of Digos City Senior High School, and 3rd placers Paul Felisilda, Aleah Salihudin, and teacher Ronavie Gonzales of Bato (Sta. Cruz) National High School. The event sponsors are (Back row, left-right) Phil. Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Executive Director Lisa Paguntalan, Cantilan Bank President Gen. William Hotchkiss (Ret.), Phil. Eagle Foundation Exec. Dir. Dennis Salvador, Energy Development Corporation Wildlife Biologist & Watershed Mgt. Officer Marisol Pedregosa, UPMin Biological Society President Peter Miles Royeca, and UPMin Instructor Dr. Jayson Ibañez. 

UPMin’s DiWA leverages campus expertise to address health data gaps

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News

The University of the Philippines Mindanao is poised to devise a stronger response to effective management of existing diseases and emerging health threats in Mindanao as a newly-appointed regional hub of the UP Resilience Institute, UP’s center for comprehensive disaster risk reduction and management.

Biomathematics expert Prof. May Anne Mata said establishing a disease watch and analytics unit in UPMin aims to harness this UP constituent university’s expertise in mathematical modeling, data analytics, and genomics to address public health concerns.

UP’s Board of Regents recently approved in its 1378th Meeting the establishment of UPMin’s Center for Disease Watch and Analytics (DiWA) as a regional unit of the UP Resilience Institute.

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In her letter to former UP President Danilo Concepcion and UP Resilience Insitute Director Mahar Lagmay, Prof. Mata said, “Mindanao has experienced long-standing neglect, slow economic development, and poverty due to political conflicts. With this context, a resilient public health program is a challenge. 

Mindanao needs a hub or satellite for health resiliency, and establishing UP Mindanao’s Center for Disease Watch and Analytics (DiWA Center) is essential to maintaining our active partnership with Local Government Units and local agencies for public health and disease management. 

By being a satellite and hub of the UP Resilience Institute, UPMin’s DiWA Center can sustain and expand the scope of its research initiatives and technical services to its stakeholders in public health governance. This is through knowledge generation, sharing, services, and technological innovation. Its ultimate goal is to build health-resilient communities in the entire Mindanao.” 

The DiWA Center began as the DOST-NICER Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support Systems in Health (AMDABiDSS-Health), which focused on generating solutions to strengthen the local responses to COVID-19. 

The center developed the Disease Watch (DiWa) app, an online planning tool for pandemic management. The DiWa app featured dashboards for risk management, vulnerability scoring index tools, risk maps, and molecular community trackers. The DiWA app proved its merit by assisting several Mindanao regions in their campaign against the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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“The Department of Health’s (DOH) regional officers have expressed their desire for UPMin’s continuing technical assistance,” said Prof. Mata. 

DOH-XI Regional Director Annabelle Yumang signed an agreement with UP for the use of the DiWa app on November 28, 2022.  

DiWA Center’s programs address the sustainable goals of good health and well-being, sanitation, fostering innovation, building sustainable communities, poverty alleviation, and partnerships for the goals.

Meanwhile, UPMin has developed new degree programs related to public health, such as Data Science, Sports, and Human Movement Science. In addition, it has continuing research in health communication and a prospective medical education program. 


Top image: The logo of UPMin's new Center for Disease Watch & Analytics

Middle photo: UPMin researchers and software developers present the Disease Watch & Analytics (DiWA) online app to visitors and prospective users.
Bottom photo: Dept. of Health-XI Regional Director Dr. Annabelle Yumang (front row, second from left) presents the agreement for the use of the Disease Watch & Analytics (DiWA) online application alongside (front row, third from left and onward) UPMin DiWA program leader Prof. May Anne Mata, UP Prof. Cynthia Rose Bautista, UPMin Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao, and UP Prof. Luis Sison.

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