Madayaw News

DMPCS Lecture Series 2024 (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News


DMPCS Chairperson Cinmayii G. Manliguez gives the Closing Remarks in the hybrid event

The Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science delivered four lectures in its DMPCS Lecture Series on March 13, 2024, its offering to the 29th UP Mindanao Anniversary celebration. Assistant Professor Kim Dianne Ligue-Sabio disclosed their findings from their field study of "Spatiotemporal Patterns and Risk Factors of the 2020-2021 African Swine Fever Epidemic in Region XI, Philippines." Associate Prof. Vladimer Kobayashi delivered a quick training on using machine learning in "Reading text without reading them: Topic modeling and text summarization." Assoc. Prof. Alexis Erich Almocera offered solutions to the question "What can a dynamic system tell us about the CARS-CoV-2 infection and immunity?" in his talk "The In-Host Dynamics of COVID-19 Infection." Finally, Assoc. Prof. Rommel Real shared how mathematics can save lives in his lecture on "Inverse problems and regularization: Capturing the (entirely) unknown."  Prof. Almocera welcomed the on-site student audience and the online viewers at the live hybrid event, while DMPCS department chairperson Assoc. Prof.Cinmayii Manliguez acknowledged the contributors to the success of the event in her closing remarks.

Biodiversity+Infrastructure Forum (updated)

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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Dean Cleto Nanola Jr.

Conservationists and architects met at the "Biodiversity+Infrastructure Forum" on March 12, 2024, to share research findings with students and harmonize efforts to support conservation on the campus and in other public spaces.

Dean Cleto Nanola, in his Welcome Remarks as Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Chancellor, disclosed that criteria are being crafted for the declaration of Key Biodiversity Areas worldwide. This follows growing awareness that human-animal interaction cannot be separated, as they "take care of each other for their well-being." 

Survey for PhD in Applied Mathematics

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News


ATTENTION | The UP Mindanao Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science (DMPCS) would like to disseminate a survey questionnaire to gather information about the demand for the adoption of the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics program of UP Los Baños.

The Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics program is a four-year curriculum that equips each graduate with advanced expertise in the field of mathematics and its practical use. We invite everyone who wishes to pursue further studies in Applied Mathematics to access the survey through the link or QR code below:


EQA experts review BS Biology & BS Computer Science

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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Seated, left to right, are Dean Cleto Nanola, Dr. Irene Villasenor, Dr. Amelia Guevara, and VCAA Annabelle Novero, flanked by faculty members of the DBSES and DMPCS   
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UPMin QA lead Assoc. Prof. Ritchie Mae Gamot (right) facilitates the discussion with EQA experts Dr. Guevara and Dr. Villasenor  

UP System Quality Assurance assessors Dr. Amelia Guevara and Dr. Irene Villaseñor tested the compliance of the BS Biology and BS Computer Science programs through an External Quality Assurance review on February 19-24, 2024.

The self-assessment report (SAR) writers, faculty members, students, support staff, alumni, and employees of the two academic degree programs were subjected to a series of interviews to simulate the ASEAN Universities Network QA assessment process.

The assessors also inspected the facilities and services of the support units: the Office of Student Affairs, the Information Technology Office, the University Library, the Learning Resource Center, and the facilities of the CSM.

The assessors were welcomed upon their arrival by Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and UPMin QA Officer Prof. Annabelle Novero, VC for Administration Leo Manuel Estaña, deans Prof. Cleto Nanola Jr. of the College of Science and Mathematics and Prof. Jhoanna Lynn Cruz of the College of Humanities & Social Sciences.

Assoc. Prof. Junaldo Mantiquilla, chairperson of the Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies, and Assoc. Prof. Cimnayii Manliguez, chair of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, led their faculty panels, facilitated by CSM QA officer Assoc. Prof. Ritchie Mae Gamot.

The Quality Assurance efforts address Sustainable Development Goal #4 on Quality Education.

PASYENTE project at the Access to Medicine Summit 2.0

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

DMPCS Department Chairperson Asst. Prof. Cinmayii Manliguez (fourth from left) at the Access to Medicine 2.0 Summit  
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Asst.Prof.Manliguez shares details of the PASYENTE project at the plenary  
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Prof. Manliguez present the PASYENTE app at the plenary
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The UPMin PASYENTE booth at the AtM Summit 2.0 
UP Mindanao's Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science brought their PASYENTE project, a mobile and web-based application for dengue patients, at the Access to Medicine Summit 2.0 on February 6-7, 2024, in Manila. Department chairperson and project lead Asst. Prof. Cinmayii Manliguez participated in the plenary, and her team accommodated guests at the project booth. PASYENTE is the acronym for Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Systems on Endemic Diseases Applying Artificial Intelligence Technology and Operations Research (PASYENTE) Project for Dengue.    

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