Madayaw News

UPMin prof gets first MJSTEP scholarship

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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Asst. Prof. Cyrose Suzie Millado Architect's conception of the pilot buildings for the UPMin KIST Park

University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Annabelle Novero announced that the Mindanao Japan Science and Technology Platform (MJSTEP) awarded its first scholarship slot to UPMin faculty member Asst. Prof. Cyrose Suzie Millado. 

Asst. Prof. Millado will pursue her PhD studies in the Division of Biological Sciences (Department of Biophysics) at Kyoto University's Uji campus.

The Blockchain in "Web3 Goes to Campus"

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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A student asks a question in the "Web3 Goes To Campus" seminar 

The Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science (DMPCS) delivered the first-ever “Web3 Goes to Campus“ seminar for students on March 25, 2024. The seminar was a product of the DMPCS’ Research Development and Extension Committee’s (RDE) collaboration with the Davao DeFi Community (DDC).  

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Mr. Ruben Lacumba Jr. responds in the Open Forum 

 DDC founder Mr. Ruben Lacumba Jr. introduced his group and its acronym, DeFi, which stands for Decentralized Finance. This concept is linked to the Blockchain, the main topic of the seminar. He likewise introduced Archway Connect, a network to which the DDC belongs. 

Julius Oyo on the Blockchain
Arthur Agullana on Blockchain design
Chill Brizuela on NFTs

Three DDC resource persons, illustrator Julius Medidas Oyo, engineer Arthur Agullana, and architect Churchill Brizuela, each discussed the three main topics of the seminar: the third-generation internet called Web 3.0, web-based Blockchain and its design principles, and Blockchain-based Non-Fungible Tokens.  

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Assoc. Prof. Ritchie Mae Gamot at the Open forum

 In the subsequent open forum, emcee Assoc. Prof. Ritchie Mae Gamot expressed the audience’s sentiment for a more in-depth discussion of Web 3.0 concepts, and Mr. Lacumba suggested the creation of a UPMin DeFi community, which he said the DDC is willing to mentor. 

Assoc.Prof. Cinmayii Manliguez

DMPCS Chairperson Asst. Prof. Cinmayii Manliguez, in her remarks, said, “We look forward to how we can apply these technologies to solve problems in our local community and even in the global scenario.” 

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Prof. Manliguez gives the Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Ruben Lacumba, with speakers Arthur Agullana, Churchill Brizuela, and Julius Oyo next in line.
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The DMPCS and DDC teams  
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The team of DDC facilitators in Archway shirts

After the seminar, Prof. Manliguez issued Certificates of Appreciation to Mr. Lacumba and the resource speakers, while DMPCS RDE Committee Chairperson, Assoc. Prof. Alexis Almocera awarded the certificates to the DDC facilitators. 

The "Web3 Goes to Campus" seminar addresses the Sustainable Development Goals #4 on Quality Education, #8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, and others.

Prof. Mata is PCHRD Best Mentor in Health Research

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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Prof. May Anne E. Mata of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, a UP Scientist and Director of the UPMin Office of Research and the Mindanao Center for Disease Watch and Analytics (DiWA), was awarded the 2023 Best Mentor in Health Research - National Winner in the Graduate Students Category by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST PCHRD).  She was selected over the Luzon, Visayas, and NCR cluster winners. 

Dr. Mata was also the Mindanao Cluster 2023 awardee for Best Mentor in Health Research under the Graduate Students category.  

She has mentored at least 15 graduate students and 15 undergraduate students.

Dr. Mata received her award during the 42nd Anniversary celebration of the PCHRD on 25 March 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City.

UPMin is top Biology and Environmental Science HEI in Davao Region

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

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The EduRank organization placed UP Mindanao in the number one rank among Higher Education Institutions in the Davao Region for Biology and Environmental Science. This ranking was contained in the 2024 February report of EduRank, an independent organization based in Lebanon that evaluates higher education institutions worldwide. The same report placed UP Mindanao's Biology and Environmental Science in the 22nd and 25th ranks, respectively, nationwide. Globally, UP Mindanao was ranked in the 5743rd and 5711th place, respectively, in these disciplines.  

The UP Mindanao Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies (DBSEs) disclosed these rankings on their social media page. According to the DBSES, the rankings are a product of their pioneering research. The DBSES reported 210 publications and 1,909 citations in Biology and 214 publications with 1,639 citations in Environmental Science. Through the disciplines of Biology and Environmental Science, the DBSES demonstrates its unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge and addressing relevant issues in the region and beyond.

These endeavors address the Sustainable Development Goals of Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Life on Land, Life below Water, Climate Action, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and others. 

MS Food Science students eligible for DOST-STRAND-N Scholarships

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

Chancellor Murao and Prof. del Mundo at the DOST-STRAND-N ceremony

UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao (in the second row, second from the right) signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the DOST – Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) for scholarships under the Science and Technology Regional Alliance of Universities for National Development (STRAND), specifically crafted for scholars of the Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER). 

Called by the acronym STRAND-N, the scholarships aim to make higher education more accessible to S&T professionals in the regions, foster professional advancement, and contribute to progress and development throughout the country.

UPMin is an awarded NICER for R&D in Mindanao, and UPMin's full-time MS Food Science students are qualified to apply for the DOST STRAND-N. They are trained in the scientific analysis of tropical food and vegetable processing to solve Mindanao's food industry concerns in waste reduction, food safety, food security, development of new products, and the like. 

Assoc. Prof. Dann Marie del Mundo (behind Chancellor Murao), the chairperson of the UPMin Department of Food Science and Chemistry and MS Food Science coordinator, witnessed the signing. 

The MS Food Science program addresses the Sustainable Development Goals of Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Responsible Consumption and Production, and others.  

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