Student Life

Chancellor's Message at the Career Orientation & Seminar

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 The Office of Student Affairs revived the on-campus UPMin Jobs Fair face-to-face in June 2023 for the graduating Class of 2023. The Career Placement Orientation and Pre-Employment Seminar was on June 19, and the Campus Job Recruitment was on June 21, 2023. Chancellor Lyre Murao graced the two-part event to address the graduating students and the participating companies. The OSA invited Mr. Kim Chua of Jobs as a resource person in the career orientation. Companies from diverse industries set up tables at the Campus Job Recruitment to attract and offer employment opportunities to graduating students.       


Chancellor Murao's Message to Graduating Students at the Career Orientation, June 19, 2023


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To the graduating Class of 2023, 

 First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone on your very soon graduation day, which would happen one month from now. Today's Career Placement Orientation and Pre¬Employment Seminar are very timely as it prepares you for the next chapter of your journey. 

 I would like to thank OSA, directed by Dr. Stella Salazar, for spearheading this activity. Of course, on behalf of the constituents of UP Mindanao, I would like to extend my appreciation to our resource person, Mr. Kim L. Chua from Jobs, Inc., who flew in all the way from Manila. 

 These are exciting times, and I'd like to give you three reasons why you should look forward to the prospect of a career. 

 1. The work landscape is now changing dramatically. According to the World Economic Forum, our children today will ultimately end up in a job that has not yet existed at present times. Hence, the demand for new skills is growing faster than ever. Your generation has an expanding range of employment opportunities to help fill these gaps. 

2. Emerging industries are opening new doors for careers in various fields such as e¬commerce, digital transformation, tech engineering, renewable • or alternative energy, healthcare service, diversity and inclusion, innovation and change management, and so much more. Traditional jobs are now evolving to meet the demands of the technological revolution. This is, therefore, an opportune time to establish your niche in an emerging profession. 

3. If being tied to an employer is not your thing, you may also consider entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, you can become a force for transformation beyond your organization by delivering economic growth, wealth generation, social change, and community development. In the PH, more individuals are now engaging in early-stage entrepreneurship than in the rest of Asia. We have also seen the rise of the gig economy comprised of independent freelancers or the so-called solopreneurs. 

 Your generation is offered a lot of interesting opportunities. But, for every opportunity comes responsibility. As an Isko, your mandate is to serve your countrymen, your community, and even your family. 

 Nevertheless, we are confident to release you into the world. Your rigorous training at the University has been your cornerstone. In fact, your experience during the pandemic has prepared you to be flexible and agile, ready to face real-world challenges and contribute to nation-building. 

 As you step out of the University, make sure to bring your lifelong learning with you. 

 According to the half-life concept, professional skills nowadays will last only five years, regardless of industry. Therefore, you must cultivate your life skills, especially in creativity and relationships. These are two critical areas of function that AI or other technologies can never replace. 

 And on that note, I'd like to leave you with one piece of advice: nurture your attitude more than your aptitude. Always remember the wise words of the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar: "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." 

 Soar high, dear graduating students! I wish you all success. 

The Campus Job Recruitment, June 21, 2023 

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Graduating students attended the Campus Job Recruitment on June 21, 2023, at the CHSS Mini-Theater.  

Chancellor Murao's Message to the Graduating Students and the Participating Companies at the Campus Job Recruitment 

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Good morning and a warm welcome to each and every one of you to this year’s Jobs Fair!

 First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our graduating students who have worked tirelessly over the years to reach this significant milestone. It has been quite a ride, especially with the pandemic, but you made it to the finish line.

 This Jobs Fair serves as a bridge between our graduating students and the professional world, providing a platform for meaningful interactions, exploration, and connections.

 To our graduating students, I urge you to approach this job fair as an opportunity to showcase your unique abilities and talents. Engage in conversations with your employers, ask insightful questions, and most importantly, be confident in your abilities.

 Remember that you are not just seeking employment but rather searching for an environment that will foster your personal and professional growth. This is your opportunity to connect with employers who share your values and vision, as it is these shared principles that will help you thrive in your chosen careers.

 In this day and age of technological revolution, competition in the job force will be tough. You are not just competing with others, but also with technologies that force jobs to evolve. How you invent and reinvent yourself in these changing times will define how far you can go. For that, your lifelong learning will be a vital tool. Continue to build on life skills that will enable you to make relevant connections and contributions to your employers, co-workers, clients, and communities.

To our participating employers, I extend my deepest gratitude for joining us today. Your presence here reflects your commitment to recognizing and nurturing young talent. As we turn over our students to the workforce, we are honored to have you as partners in our students’ professional development. Thank you for believing in the value that our UP Mindanao graduates bring to your organizations. Please take this opportunity to learn about the diverse skill sets and expertise of our students, and how their personal narratives have shaped their values, aspirations, and vision. We trust that investing your time in this job fair will be worthwhile as you identify future leaders, innovators, and change-makers who will help your organizations maneuver through the dynamic changes in this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, or VUCA, world.

Before I end, I would like to express my sincerest congratulations to our Office of Student Affairs, led by Director Maria Stella R. Salazar, for organizing this Jobs Fair, which is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our university to nurture talent, foster growth, and forge partnerships that transcend boundaries.

Let us all continue to work together in shaping the minds that shape the nation.

Thank you, and let the Jobs Fair commence!

Maayong buntag sa tanan!

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Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2023-2024

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The UP Mindanao Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2023-2024 is posted on the page below. 

portion of the Academic Calendar for AY 2022-2023 is retained immediately below for the Commencement and Mid-Year dates.  

  2nd Semester Mid-year Term
University Council (UC) Meet to recommend the list of candidates for graduation for BOR approval 27 Feb, Mon (for First Sem., AY 2022-2023) 10 Jul, Mon (for Second Sem. AY 2022-2023)
MID-SEMESTER 14 Apr, Fri  
Reading Break 3 Apr, Mon-10 Apr, Mon 21 Jul, Fri-23 Jul, Sun
Deadline for Dropping Subjects 15 May, Mon 21 Jul, Fri
PRE REGISTRATION for First Sem., 2023-2024 22 May, Mon-28 May, Fri  
Deadline for Filing Leave of Absence 29 May, Mon 26 Jul, Wed
UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) 03 Jun, Sat-04 Jun, Sun  
END OF CLASSES 10 Jun, Sat 08 Aug, Tue
Integration Period 11 Jun, Sun-12 Jun, Mon 09 Aug, Wed
FINAL EXAMINATIONS 13 Jun, Tue-21 Jun, Wed 10 Aug, Thu-11 Aug, Fri

Immediately below is the Approved UP Mindanao Academic Calendar for AY 2023-2024. 

Download the Approved UP Mindanao Academic Calendar for AY 2023-2024 here:

(long URL:

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UP Mindanao test center holds UPCAT 2024

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UPCAT applicants await their Test Permits

The University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) served 1,138 applicants in the simultaneous nationwide delivery of the UP College Admission Test 2024 (UPCAT 2024) on June 3-4, 2023, the first after the pandemic. UPMin was the designated UPCAT Test Center in Davao City and one of 100-plus nationwide. 

Applicants from Davao Region and other Mindanao provinces claimed their UPCAT Test Permits from the UPMin Office of the University Registrar (OUR) from June 2-4, 2023, and took the test on the weekend. UPCAT qualifiers will gain admission to one of the nine UP constituent universities in Academic Year 2024-2025.

UPMin, the only UP constituent university in Mindanao, offers the following undergraduate degree programs: BS Agribusiness Economics, BS Anthropology, BS Applied Mathematics, BS Architecture, BS Biology, BA Communication and Media Arts, BS Computer Science, BS Data Science, BA English, BS Food Technology,  Bachelor in Sports Science,  and one Associate program. 

In addition, the UPMin Test Center expanded access to the UPCAT by accommodating last-minute walk-in applicants even after the application deadline. 

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Walk-in applicants fill in application forms

“We accommodated an additional 131 walk-in applicants on June 2-4, 2023, from within and outside the Davao Region,” said UPMin University Registrar Karen Joyce Cayamanda.

“The walk-in applicants came from the pre-UPCAT campaign we held in the remote Marilog District, Davao City, and through our publicity materials and public relations efforts,” she said.    

UPMin’s Ugnayan ng Pahinungod and the Office of Extension and Community Service (OECS) assisted the OUR and the UP Office of Admissions in further widening access to UP education by delivering affirmative action in assisting applicants and facilitating applications for high school students in far-flung communities in Davao and other Mindanao regions. These efforts address the sustainable goal of quality education, leading to other sustainable development goals for Mindanao.   

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