UP's Pride and Glory

Speakers, 9th International Conference on Agribiz Econ & Mgt

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Achievements

The keynote and plenary speakers in the 9th International Conference on Agribusiness Economics and Management, 13-15 November 2019

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Professor Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr.

Prof. Nayga is the Distinguished Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Arkansas, United States. He received his PhD in agricultural economics from Texas A&M University, MS from University of Delaware, and BS in agribusiness economics from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). His research interests include the economics of food consumption, policy, and health. Prior to joining the University of Arkansas, he was a professor at Texas A&M University for twelve years and was a faculty member at Rutgers University, United States, and at Massey University, New Zealand. He has published more than 250 refereed articles in several economics, behavioral science, marketing, and public health journals. Prof. Nayga worked with other universities such as Korea University, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Zhejiang University, Waseda Institute of Advance Studies, Wageningen University, and the Institute of Global Food Security, Queen’s University Belfast

Mr. Grahame Dixie

Mr. Dixie is the executive director of Grow Asia, a multi-stakeholder partnership platform that catalyzes action on inclusive agricultural development in Southeast Asia. The platform convenes governments, farmers, nongovernment organizations, and other stakeholders to co-create value chain initiatives focused on smallholder farmers and environmental sustainability of agriculture. Mr. Dixie brings over thirty-five years of professional experience as a practitioner of agricultural development in over seventy-five countries, including an early career in the private sector. For the past decade, he served as the World Bank’s lead agribusiness advisor where he was involved in the design and review of the World Bank’s portfolio of projects linking smaller scale farmers to markets and agribusinesses. These programs leveraging public and private investment involved innovative financing and research on key issues. His work included advising World Bank teams globally on project design, emerging good practices, and key trends in the food and farm sector, with a focus on market-oriented farming and multi-stakeholder partnerships. More recently, he has served as an advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Dr. Kenneth Menz
Dr. Menz began his career as an agricultural scientist before spending the bulk of his working life as an agricultural economist. He specialized on the interface between agricultural science and economics from a range of perspectives (e.g., farming systems research, evaluation of agricultural research, factors affecting agricultural productivity, social science). He spent twenty years as research program manager for the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), where such a multi-disciplinary orientation proved valuable. He has worked for universities (Queensland, Minnesota, RMIT), government agencies (Australian Bureau of Agricultural Economics), international agencies (IITA, Nigeria), and he spent six years undertaking graduate work in the United States. Since “retiring” from ACIAR ten years ago, he continued engagement in head office consultancies as well as via active research roles in ACIAR research projects in Vietnam and the Philippines. Dr. Menz’ notable publications are in weed control economics and impact assessment.

Mr. Howard Hall
Mr. Hall is the research program manager for agribusiness in the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). He finished a bachelor of applied science (rural technology) from the University of Queensland and a graduate diploma of business studies from the University of New England. Prior to joining ACIAR, he founded and operated a specialist agribusiness consultancy for almost thirty years, working across tropical and temperate horticulture, intensive and extensive meat and seafood industries, grains, pulses and field crops, food packaging and processing. He has also worked as a senior manager in corporate agribusiness in the agricultural inputs sector and in both food manufacturing and food and grocery distribution. Mr. Hall has worked across North and Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific.

Dr. Rica Joy Flor
Dr. Flor is a postdoctoral fellow of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Wageningen University, the Netherlands (Wageningen University Postdoc Talent Program). She received her bachelor of arts in anthropology (cum laude) and master of arts in anthropology from the University of the Philippines Diliman. She got her PhD in social science (innovation studies) from Wageningen University where she was on a Global Rice Science Scholarship from IRRI. Dr. Flor has relevant experiences in applied social science research on technology adoption and innovation, impact assessment of technology change in agricultural innovation systems, and facilitating multi-stakeholder processes in agricultural research for development (AR4D) in Southeast Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.  See the video here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DRZY7uonW8rx3zDFszMKoTfyBdr765al/view?ts=5e181bc9

Synthesis of the talks by School of Management dean Pedro Alviola IV:
"The keynote and plenary speakers in their talks don't give definitive answers to some of our present problems because research is a process of discovery and learning. For that, I find the talks envigorating and inspiring. 
For Dr. Nayga who gave a talk on lab-produced meat, he motivated that major issues in the industry such as new and emerging diseases in commercially-imported livestock such as health risks or cardiovascular diseases, and that the agriculture sector especially the livestock sector is a major generator of greenhouse gasses in the world, there is impetus for developing sustainable technologies such as for example this lab-produced meat or in vitro meat that should be acceptable to consumers. They are predicated on the premise that consumers are willing to pay for these products. From the work of Dr. Nayga, there are insights that have been generated in terms of making sure that the information regarding these new technologies can be used by policy-makers and consumers in terms of the food labeling, food policies, and so on. It is important to communicate this information to consumers because  consumers are key to making sure that these products will be produced in the market. 
Mr. Grahame Dixie, in his talk, emphasized the inclusivity of value chains, because this can result in positive welfare and improved outcomes such as improvement in productivity, increased social benefits, with the goal of reducing poverty, increasing incomes, give better opportunities, and contribute to sustaining the environment. 
Dr. Menz talked about the importance of social capital where members of the community can access skills, expertise, knowledge, and information so that both the individual and the commnity can take advantage of its benefits. He emphasized that the provision of social capital can lead to better outcomes and can increase access to nutritionally better and safe foods. 
For Dr. Flor, her talk starts with a question. Why, despite the availability of integrated pest management packages, the farmer still heavily relies on pesticides? And she enumerated three reasons why. One, some people don't want to do that. Leave the insects alone. At the same time there are other policy imperatives such as food security which in the traditional sense increases the use of perticides for them to increase yield. Finally, there is a dearth of available technologies for possible alternatives towards methodologies or approaches that we use pesticides to control pests and diseases. Finally, she says there is a need to reconfigure the way we present incentives especially for alternative technologies to society and, much more importantly, there is a need to look at how acceptable these technologies are to farmers especially because farmers view these financial and technological constraints differently from the rest of us. 
Mr. Hall, in his talk, asks why, in spite of the significant contribution of smallholder farmers in the agrifood system are they still disconnected from the commercial agrifood chain? He enumerated some of the weaknesses such as issues in land ownership, limited credit access, risk aversion to technologies, disconnected farm-to-market roads, low business skills, little political and social voice, and outdated and unsustainable production processes. But despite this, farmers have been identified as agents of social change. They have real access to land, they are local experts, have good work ethic, they are innovators, are efficient, and most importantly, they generate ideas. The question Mr. Hall says is there is a need to reconfigure all of these private and public partnerships, that everyone needs to be on board and for everyone to re-assess from time to time what the modality should be so everyone is going to be there. So, again, the talks do not give definitive answers, perhaps they give more questions, but, more importantly, they give a road map on how to address these challenges."

UP breaks into top 500 in world rankings, 2019

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Achievements

London-based magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has placed the University of the Philippines in the world’s top 500 universities and fourth in the ASEAN region, according to the 2020 THE World University Rankings.The national university is listed in the 401-500 group of 1,396 ranked research universities.

This is UP’s fourth year in the rankings. It was included for the first time in 2017 among the top 1,000. The succeeding rankings showed marked improvement for UP as it climbed to the top 800 in the 2018 edition and to the top 600 for 2019.

THE assesses research-intensive universities based on 13 performance indicators in five pillars: teaching (30 percent), research (30 percent), research influence/citations (30 percent), international outlook (7.5 percent) and industry income (2.5 percent).

For 2020, UP has been ranked 159th in citations which places it in the top 11 percent of prestigious universities that have “influence in spreading new knowledge and ideas.” Its score in citations went up from last year’s 69.1 to 86.9. As indicator of research influence, 'citations' refers to the average number of times a university’s published work is cited by scholars globally. This year, THE's bibliometric data supplier Elsevier examined 77.4 million citations to 12.8 million journal articles, article reviews, conference proceedings, books and book chapters published over five years. The data include more than 23,400 academic journals indexed by Elsevier’s Scopus database and all indexed publications between 2014 and 2018. Citations to these publications made in the six years from 2014 to 2019 are also collected.

UP also scored better in teaching (from 21.7 to 24.1), research (from 16.4 to 17.2) and industry income (from 35.8 to 39.4). A global academic reputation survey partly determines the scores for teaching and research.UP, however, slipped in international outlook, with its score down from 39.5 to 37.9. International outlook considers the number of international students and staff as well as international collaboration.Only two universities from the Philippines appeared in the latest table. UP is still the leading university in the country.

THE publishes some of the most influential rankings used by the global academic community which include the Asia University Rankings, Asia-Pacific University Rankings, Emerging Economies University Rankings,  World University Rankings by Subject and Impact Rankings.

Academic Year 2019-2020 begins

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Achievements

IMG 2062     The University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao opened the first semester of Academic Year 2019-2020 with 111 graduate and 727 undergraduate students. University officials, faculty members and staff welcomed the 340 First Year students at the University Convocation for First-Year Students on 5 August 2019. Chancellor Digal also led the swearing of new University Student Council officers (in photo, right).

    In a highlight on 7 August, the School of Management reviewed the agribusiness research and development in Mindanao at the “Agribusiness Economics and Management Forum: Works and Achievements of Prof. Sylvia B. Concepcion” held in Lorenzo Hall. Colleagues recalled the research projects from the vegetable supply chain started by Prof. Concepcion that had grown to include value chain studies in tuna, corn, palay, kalamansi, mango, and Cavendish bananas, and had broadened to encompass aspects of gender, environment, poverty, jobs creation, and capability-building of farmers and researchers. In her response, Prof. Concepcion expressed her satisfaction at seeing people continuing what she started and acknowledged the Vegetable Industry Council of Southern Mindanao for having undertaken the development journey alongside UP Mindanao.

    In a welcome surprise from students, BA Communication and Media Arts sophomores Catherine Joy Catulong and Jasmine Nicolle Jain won a Special Jury Prize in the 2019 Cinemalaya Campus Short Shorts Competition for their short film "Praktis" in ceremonies held on 13 August. Films by students from the Bicol Region, Iloilo City, and Davao City were showcased in the competition.

    On 9 August, the Center for the Advancement of Research and engagement in Mindanao organized the In-House Research Review for selected research projects to prepare these for publication, possible patentable technologies, and contributions to sustainable development goals for Mindanao. The research presentations on smallholder Cavendish banana farmers and livelihood in conflict-vulnerable areas, map-making for flood effects and risks in southeastern Mindanao, and marine fishes in Davao and Sulu were among the externally-funded projects presented. The smallholder goat value chains, the pollination ecology of cultivated durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.), the molecular characterization of bats, and the environmental compliance of the UP Mindanao campus were among the internally-funded projects. In addition, researches on the nitrate/nitrite levels in longgonisa, the potential antioxidant and anticancer food components from various plant sources, and the probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria isolates from the UP Mindanao culture collection completed the presentations that were heard by a panel of experts from partner universities.  Assistant professors Joseph Acosta [map-making] and Fritzie Camino [pollination ecology] were named best presenters for the external- and internal-funded research, respectively.

    On 15 August, Prof. Joel Cuello, a world-renowned professor of agricultural bio-systems engineering of the University of Arizona, delivered a landmark public lecture on the topic "Strengthening the Innovation Ecosystem of the Philippines Toward Inclusive National Development" as part of the UP World Experts Lecture Series. In his talk, Prof. Cuello envisioned a stronger and deeper tripartite partnership between academe, government, and industry in the Philippines in order to create a science and technology innovation ecosystem that can drive the economy forward, similar to Silicon Valley in the United States.

    In closing, Prof. Cuello showed photos of his projects such as bio-system farms inside buildings and his academic institution, “This is my university, the University of Arizona in Tucson. I hope you can visit and it is my sincere hope is that we’ll have long term relationship with UP Mindanao,” he concluded.

    On 29 August, UP Mindanao welcomed a delegation of professors from the Republic of China (Taiwan) National Sun Yat Sen University (NSYSU) Department of Biological Sciences and the Institute of Medical Science and Technology. The UP Mindanao panel presented its research projects having common areas of study with the visitors: genomics, anticancer drug discovery, reef fisheries, flood hazard mapping, organic polymer science, polylactic acid, and artificial intelligence and robotics. The two parties discussed possible research collaborations, faculty and student exchanges, and joint academic offerings. UP Mindanao also arranged the visits of the NSYSU team to the Davao Colleges and Universities Network, Davao Medical School Foundation, Ateneo de Davao University, and University of Southeastern Philippines.

    These public service highlights in August are among the contributions of UP Mindanao in fulfillment of its mandates as a graduate university, a research university, and a public service university as it moves toward it's 25th anniversary in 2020.

Highlights for July, 2019

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Achievements

66216311 2871433019595947 7263691550473846784 oCROPT25JULY CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES

16 July  - UP President's Advisory Council Meeting      

17-18 July - UP Mindanao Management Committee mid-year reporting

20 July - Fumigation in the campus
23-24 July - Teaching Effectiveness Workshop
23 July - Bioplastic Global Satellite Symposium in UP Mindanao
26 July - Davao City-wide Earthquake and Tsunami Drill
27 July - Enactus Business Innovation Idea Challenge  
29 July - Research Planning Workshop
30 July - Information Seminar on GSIS Programs


The Professional Regulation Commission released the results of the June 2019 Architect Licensure Exam four days after the end of the exams on 30 June. Some 2,104 passed from among the 3,172 takers, or equivalent to 66%. UP Mindanao's BS Architecture graduates again achieved a 100%-passing rate in the June 2019 Examination with 14 passers. The  new licensed architects are Ar. Dax Raymond S. Aznar, Ar. Fayanna P. Cerillo, Ar. John Christien G. Dacalos, Ar. Charisse Alexia S. Dinopol, Ar. Abegail Imee R. Enriquez, Ar. Reyl B. Espirituoso, Ar. Eiries Von B. Estilloso, Ar. Mercy B. Gomez, Ar. Kim O. Laguitao, Ar. Christine C. Laniba, Ar. Jomarie Viel R. Maglunob, Ar. Kate C. Patayon, Ar. Sherwin O. Puntas, and Ar. Ceino Rey U. Quimintan. 
Ms. Ella Angelique M. Bucoya (BS Food Technology 2019, cum laude) and faculty adviser Prof. NGV Fundador won 1st Prize in the 2019 Philippine Association of Food Technologists Undergraduate Research Competition held on 12 July 2019 in Quezon City, for her work on the research entitled, "Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using mangosteen pericarp extract and evaluation of their antimicrobial properties." 
Ms. Pete Maverick Nicole Estudillo (BSFT 2019, summa cum laude) was awarded 1st prize for her poster and 2nd prize for her oral presentation of her thesis "Anti-oxidant and anti-cancer potential of artocarpus fruit wastes" in the Food and Nutrition Research Institute. Prof. Joel Hassan G. Tolentino served as her thesis adviser.    
"Omics: Unraveling Mindanao's DNA," Read it here, http://bit.ly/2XQo4Yc.  
"IN SHOW: 'The City Who Had Two Navels' at the Metropolitan Museum | Inquirer Lifestyle. Read it here http://bit.ly/2Z8Qqyi 
"Davao region's top sports facilities," SunStar-Davao. Read it here: http://bit.ly/2Y0sPDq 


The last call for abstracts of papers and posters for ICAEM 2019 is on 15 July 2019. ICAEM 2019, or the 9th International Conference on Agribusiness Economics and Management, will be on the theme of, "Inclusivity, Innovation, and sustainability in Agricultural Value Chains." Abstracts may be submitted online to: https://goo.gl/forms/fQdlzSdkl8druNuz2. For more information, visit the website: https://icaem2019.wixsite.com/conference-details, or email <;

Mr. Howard Hall, the new Research Program Manager for Agribusiness of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and ACIAR Country Ms. Mai Alagcan visited UP Mindanao on 15 July 2019. The ACIAR team was received by Chancellor Larry Digal, research director Dr. Emma Ruth Bayogan, former project proponents Dr. Sylvia Concepcion and Ms. Roxanne Aguinaldo, and ACIAR alumni coordinator and ICAEM conference organizer Ms. Marilou Montiflor. The UP Mindanao team gave a briefing for the ACIAR team on the long-standing ACIAR-UP Mindanao research partnership, particularly in the areas of vegetable and mango value chains, including the experiences and lessons learned in linking smallholder farmers and the private sector. The preparations for the upcoming 9th International Conference on Agribusiness, Economics and Management (ICAEM) that is co-funded by ACIAR, was also shared with Mr. Hall. The ACIAR is a partner of the Australian Government’s aid program in the Philippines to promote prosperity, reduce poverty, enhance stability, and to help respond to the Philippines’ agricultural research and development priorities. 
The Tuklas Lunas® Protocols for Drug Discovery and Development Manuals were presented in a book-launch on 17 July 2019, during the celebration of the 2019 National Science and Technology Week at the World Trade Center, Pasay City, Metro Manila. This is the final output of the “Standard protocols for drug discovery and development Research project” under Dr. Rita Grace Alvero of Pharmalytics Corporation as the project leader and Dr. Amelia P. Guevara as the editor. The seven manuals produced were a collaborative effort of the researchers/experts involved in the Drug Discovery and Development Program of DOST-PCHRD. The team of Dr. Aleyla E. De Cadiz and Mr. Adrian Almeria of the UP Mindanao Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies wrote the SOP Guidelines on the “Collection and Processing of Terrestrial Plant Samples for Drug Discovery and Development” under the Manual 1: Collection and Extraction of Biosources and Purification of Bioactives. 
DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña, DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development Dr Rowena P. Guevara and DOST-PCHRD Executive Director Dr. Jaime Montoya received the Manuals from Dr. Marita Reyes, Dr. Malou Nicolas, Dr. Christine Hernandez, Dr. Aleyla De Cadiz, Dr. Fabian Dayrit, Dr. Irene Villaseñor, Dr. Rita Alvero, Dr. Hiyas Junio, and former DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development, Dr. Amelia P. Guevara.
The Health Services Section of the Office of Student Affairs, in coordination with the City Health Office, will conduct a fumigation/fogging in the UP Mindanao campus buildings and grounds on 20 July 2019 to control the spread of dengue disease. University constituents are advised to vacate the areas on the said day.    
UP Mindanao will host the "Bioplastic Global Satellite Symposium" on 23 July 2019. This is part of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core to Core Program “Japan-Southeast Asia Collaboration Hub of Bioplastic Study” that started in 2017, a three-year program funded by the JSPS. The program aims to establish linkages on bioplastic-related research between Japan and South-East Asian countries namely Malaysia, Indonesia Thailand, and the Philippines. Participating institutions of this program are Osaka University, The University of Tokyo, Riken, Hokkaido University, Gunma University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Chulalongkorn University, Indonesian Institute of Sciences-(LIPI) and University of the Philippines. In 2017, a kick-off symposium was held at Osaka University and a satellite symposium at the University of Tokyo. The following year the symposium was held at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. This year it will be hosted by the University of the Philippines Mindanao.  Visit the website here: http://www.jspscorephilippine.com/
A Teaching Effectiveness Workshop was organized by the Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center on 23-24 July 2019 with Prof. Roja Rivera and Prof. Maria Rowena Raymundo of UP Open University as resource persons. The participants crafted learning tools that were presented at the culmination of the workshop.         
The Master of Management program conducted a two-day Bridge Program for incoming MM students. General information was provided by MM program coordinator Asst. Prof. Glory Dee Romo, Registrar John Bengan, College Secretary Vlademir Shuck, and Librarian Briccio Merced. Special topics were discussed by assistant professors Glory Dee Romo, Aurelia Luzviminda Gomez, Roxanne Aguinaldo, Lemuel Calatrava, Thaddeus Acuna, Exegesis Jedidiah Ebarle, and Dean Pedro Alviola IV.    
Alumnus Jeffrey B. Javier [BA English, Creative Writing] was awarded 2nd Place in the 2019 Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry in an announcement published online on 25 July 2019. Javier was awarded for his poem “Mama Was Reciting from the Book of Revelation.” Read the poem here: http://bit.ly/2GuOVD7. Jeffrey was a First Prize Winner in the "Reconciliation" Poetry Contest of Cha: An Asian Literary Journal in 2014 for his poem "Blackout." His poems have been published in local and international publications and on-line journals. He was a fellow of the Silliman University National Writers Workshop and the Iligan Writers Workshop. He is currently taking MA in Creative Writing in UP Diliman.  He is a member of the Davao Writers Guild and has been designated Workshop Director for the Davao Writers Workshop in November 2019.
"Get READY to SHAKE OUT; 3rd Davao City-wide Earthquake and Tsunami Drill" will be held on 26 July, Friday, 9:00 A.M. All UP Mindanao constituents are called to participate. The UP Mindanao Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration is the coordinating unit for the university. For more information, call City Disaster Risk-Reduction and Monitoring Office at (082)2952387 or 2969626 local 211. 
A mobile game proposal by a team of UP Mindanao students was selected as one of five national finalists in the Enactus Business Innovation Idea Challenge. BS Computer Science seniors Paula Ann Gabrielle I. Yap, Mia Wednesday Faith B. Tom, and Jeselle Kimberly M. Carriedo were selected for their proposal entitled, "Mobile Rabies, Bye Bye." The team described their proposal as a game for mobile phones that is designed for rabies control and eradication. The idea originated from a call for proposals from the S.T.O.P. Rabies research program of UP Mindanao. Asst. Prof. Miguel Carlo Guillermo of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science and Mr. Albert Francis Reginald Ramos of the Department of Human Kinetics are the team advisers. The team will present their proposal in oral presentations in the grand finals to be held at the SMX convention Center in Pasay City on 27 July 2019.
A research Planning workshop on the theme "Shaping the Future of Research, Development, and Engagement (RDE) in Mindanao: Setting our Agenda for the Next Five Years" was organized by the newly-constituted Center for the Advancement of Research, Development, and Engagement in Mindanao (CARIM) for UP Mindanao researchers and faculty members. Chancellor Larry Digal gave the welcome remarks and an inspirational message wherein he enjoined everyone to do research in teams by invoking his experiences in the banana research and other projects. CARIM Director Emma Ruth Bayogan presented strategies for research productivity through CARIM. University Researcher Mitchiko Lopez and Extension Specialist Michael Noel Bonghanoy spoke on targeting funding and on strategies for improving research outputs, respectively. Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Nilo Oponda gave updates on UP Mindanao's research initiatives. The workshop proper focused on crafting multi- and inter-disciplinary research programs for targeted funding.            
Mr. Deity U. Manampan, Branch Head of GSIS Region-XI, will lead an Information Seminar on GSIS Programs on 30 July 2019, 9 AM - 12 NN, at the CHSS AVR, Administration Bldg., UP Mindanao. The Seminar will convey information on the new GSIS benefit programs, refresh knowledge on existing policies, and address/clarify personal GSIS-related concerns. Active GSIS members are requested to review their membership records and statement of loan accounts via the Electronic GSIS Member Online (eGSISMO) facility in preparation for the seminar: https://egsismo.gsis.gov.ph/eGSISMO/
UP Mindanao and Beta Sigma Fraternity Alumni Association-Southern Mindanao Chapter signed a memorandum of agreement for Betan Kenn Gerard Cal (BS Computer Science 2009) to create, operate, and administer an Android mobile phone application to aid students and the public to navigate the UP Mindanao campus. 
The January 2019 edition of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is published at http://www.webometrics.info/en/Asia/Philippines. University of the Philippines Diliman is still the country's no. 1 university based on web presence, impact, openness and excellence, the Spanish National Research Council’s Webometrics has reported. UP Mindanao is ranked at 13th nationwide and 2nd in Mindanao in the 2019 Top 200 Universities and Colleges in the Philippines.

Architecture grads pass June exam, 2019

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Achievements

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     BS Architecture graduates of the University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao bested the national passing rate in the June 2019 Architect Licensure Examination when they achieved a 100%-passing rate once again. This was revealed after the Professional Regulation Commission released the results of the exam where 2,104 passed among the 3,172 takers or equivalent to a 66% national passing rate. The newly licensed architects from UP Mindanao are Ar. Dax Raymond S. Aznar, Ar. Fayanna P. Cerillo, Ar. John Christien G. Dacalos, Ar. Charisse Alexia S. Dinopol, Ar. Abegail Imee R. Enriquez, Ar. Reyl B. Espirituoso, Ar. Eiries Von B. Estilloso, Ar. Mercy B. Gomez, Ar. Kim O. Laguitao, Ar. Christine C. Laniba, Ar. Jomarie Viel R. Maglunob, Ar. Kate C. Patayon, Ar. Sherwin O. Puntas, and Ar. Ceino Rey U. Quimintan.
     The UP Mindanao Architecture program has been able to maintain its 100%-passing record for a number of years and has produced eight passers to the top-ten rankings. Apart from the board exam reviews undertaken outside of the university, students of the program also take mock exams or the architecture instructional exam. The undergraduate thesis topics in the architecture program include housing studies, materials development, and heritage and indigenous architecture, all of which contribute to UP Mindanao’s built environment research. Public service through participation in industry fairs further hone the students’ abilities.     
     After earning their licenses and proceeding to professional practice, a number of the architects have also pursued careers as faculty members in various architecture schools in Mindanao.  Some have taken higher studies in the UP Mindanao Diploma/Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning to better serve the needs of various sectors in the region, particularly in the practice of environment and natural resources, public works, transportation, and estate planning. Graduates from this program have also earned licenses as professional environmental planners, which further extend their scope of service to development in Mindanao. 

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