Alumni News

Architecture department trains Surigao City LGU

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Alumni

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DAVAO CITY - Officials of the local government unit of Surigao City (LGU-Surigao City) Executive branch and Sangguniang Panglungsod members took an Executive – Legislative Agenda (ELA) training from UP Mindanao’s Department of Architecture to equip them to formulate a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan for 2022-2025. Surigao City Mayor Pablo Yves L. Dumlao III (in the photo above), an alumnus of UP Mindanao’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, led the LGU team in the three-day training on August 8-10, 2022, in Davao City.  “The formulation of the plan is mandated under Section 106 of the Local Government Code of 1991,” the mayor said. The LGU will use the learnings from the said training to further strategize the growth and development of the city’s urgent concern for socialized housing in the next 100 days of the mayor’s administration. 
Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel, the graduate program coordinator of the Diploma/MA in Urban and Regional Planning program, facilitated the workshop, assisted by fellow faculty members, Asst. Prof. Ryan Songcayauon and Asst. Prof. Micah Amor Yares.  Prof. Isidoro Malaque III, Ph.D., provided overall supervision as Department of Architecture chairperson. 
“This training counts as one of engagement or extension services,” said Prof. Malaque. “We are using our proficiency in urban and regional planning as well as socialized housing promotions to guide the city’s task to rehabilitate the area after the effects of Typhoon Odette,” he said.

Alumni support UPMin's strategic plan

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Alumni

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UP alumni pledged to provide sponsors for the proposed Bahay Alumni in the UP Mindanao campus and whatever support they can give to the UP Mindanao strategic plan. This was the collective response to the UP Mindanao strategic plan presented by Chancellor Lyre Murao and her vice chancellors, Annabelle Novero and Leo Manuel Estana, before officials of the UP Alumni Association Davao, the UP Mindanao Foundation Inc., and former UP Mindanao officials, in a meeting on July 9, 2022. Present at the meeting were [in photo, left-right] former VC Antonio Obsioma, UPAAD chairperson Nap Concepcion, UPMFI vice-chair John Gaisano, UPMFI chair Sebastian "Anggie" Angliongto, Chancellor Murao, former chancellor Sylvia Concepcion, VCAA Annabelle Novero, former VCAA Nilo Oponda, and VC for Administration Estana. Meeting support was provided by Sheila San Jose of UPMFI, Janessa Villota, Keith Brigette del la Cerna, and PRO Rene Estremera of UPMin-OC.  
The UP Mindanao strategic plan 2022-2025 made be browsed here: 

Ika-114 na Anibersaryo!

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Alumni

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From UP OVPPA-MPRO: The University of the Philippines (UP) has come a long way since its establishment in 1908.
It emerged from the ravages of World War II, fought through political upheavals, braved new frontiers of technology, and soldiered on in this current pandemic. Throughout its history, it has been guided by its traditions of honor, excellence, and public service. It has never wavered in its commitment to work for social transformation that benefits the Filipino nation and humanity.
As UP marks its 114th anniversary, it looks back on its journey thus far, reflecting on lessons learned, actions taken, and challenges overcome. In the commemorative video especially created for this occasion, UP remembers its early years and highlights its achievements in the last year—from bringing faster connectivity to Barangay Kalinawan, Binangonan, Rizal just two days before lockdown, to the longed-for championship in the UAAP men’s basketball tournament.
These markers in the University’s history serve to guide its journey forward. UP continues on, taking to heart its responsibilities to the country, its people, and the global community. Going into the next normal of UP life, the University remains attuned and responsive to the evolving needs of its constituents and the publics it serves, not backing down in the face of disruptions and forging ahead with courage.
To borrow from a University cheer that its alumni would remember clearly: “Push on to victory with all your might . . . Push when the game goes hard . . . Push on, UP, and fight . . . Rise, rise, UP.”
Read more about UP's history via this link:
Text by Arlyn Romualdo, UP Media and Public Relations Office
Video edited by Al Nikko John, UP Media and Public Relations Office
Happy 114th birthday UP!

Statement on the Alleged Recruitment in UP Mindanao

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Alumni

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Statement on the Alleged NPA Recruitment in UP Mindanao

Lyre Anni E. Murao

Chancellor, UP Mindanao

We express grave concern over a recent post from an alumnus on social media about the alleged NPA recruitment in the UP Mindanao campus, which has affected the UP Mindanao community. The post may have been based on an experience of the concerned individual while he was a student about two decades ago. This does not warrant the citing of the post as the basis of allegations from the National Security Council of the Philippines. 

 The impact of this baseless allegation and irresponsible publication through social media has created distress among our faculty, students, and staff. Some are currently experiencing harassment, both in person and on social media. We are one with our students in the call against any form of harassment because of this recent red-tagging and hasty generalizations. 

 We will take legal action due to harassment, when necessary, to protect the welfare of our constituents, especially our students. Furthermore, we are committed to remain vigilant and to uphold the welfare of our students and the entire UP Mindanao community against undue harassment by any form or means. 

 Over its 27 years of existence, UP Mindanao has produced graduates who are now serving as public servants, health workers, educators, scientists, lawyers, communicators, business professionals, development workers, etc. As the country’s national university, UP is a community of diverse personalities, ideas, and beliefs. This is encouraged as part of its respect for academic freedom and to develop critical thinking among its students. These form the foundations for their discernment and decision-making to build their capacities for leadership roles. We encourage our students to be genuine iskolars ng bayan and to serve the people and communities.

 Academic freedom is articulated in the UP Charter and the 1987 Philippine Constitution. This valuable principle is a recognized rule of law, as specified in Article XIV, Sec. 5.2, that “academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning.”

 Let us all, as one community, join efforts to assert academic freedom and encourage critical thinking. Let us join the fight against baseless red-tagging. We call on our students, faculty, staff, and alumni to protect the enabling environment for responsible freedom of thought and expression. 

 We are one with all universities that have been similarly identified as recruitment havens of so-called enemies of the state.  We call on the academic community to work together to sustain academic freedom and critical thinking --- the hallmarks of a flourishing learning institution.

21 May 2022


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