Latest Announcements

Webinar, “Facilitating change in conflict-vulnerable communities”

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

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The public is invited to the webinar, “Facilitating change in conflict-vulnerable communities: Sharing insights and experiences on the implementation of the LIFE Model from program implementers and facilitators.” The webinar is on 07 April 2021 (Wednesday), 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN via Zoom and Facebook Live. Zoom users may register, free of charge, at Facebook users may visit The webinar speakers are project leaders Emma Ruth Bayogan, Larry Digal, and Anne Shangrila Fuentes, and soil suitability analyst Nilo Oponda.
The agricultural extension program of the University of the Philippines Mindanao entitled “Enhancing Livelihood Opportunities in Conflict-Vulnerable Areas in Mindanao through the LIFE (Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension) Model” is in its final year of implementation. One of the Program’s objectives is to promote the LIFE Model and help develop policies for wider adoption and future institutionalization to help the conflict-vulnerable communities in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector. During the three-year implementation in Surallah, Maguindanao, and Zamboanga Sibugay, the Program has helped six farmer groups organize and register with the Department of Labor and Employment; increase their income through vegetable and seaweed farming, value-adding, and diversification of income source; improve social capital, and forge partnerships with local government institutions and stakeholders. The LIFE Model is being implemented in the aforementioned areas in partnership with the Landcare Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. and ACIAR Mindanao Agricultural Extension Project, with funding from the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development.
The Program, in collaboration with the Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM), will be hosting the webinar to provide a venue for sharing insights on the implementation of the LIFE Model, and to forge new partnerships with institutions in implementing the model in their agricultural extension programs.
With this, we cordially invite you to the webinar to be held on 7 April 2021 (Wednesday), 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN via Zoom. Kindly register here

Deadline for high schools to submit Form 2 for admission to UP extended to 15 April

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

March 29, 2021 | Written by Celeste Ann Castillo Llaneta

The University of the Philippines Office of Admissions (UP OAdms) has extended the deadline for the online submission of Form 2 by high schools with students applying to UP from 31 March to 15 April 2021.

This will be the ultimate deadline in order for the University to proceed with the processing of applications in time for the opening of Academic Year (AY) 2021-2022.

Slower rate of online submissions

The extension of the deadline for the online submission of Form 2 was made in light of the notices and requests from many high schools to further extend the period for the submission of the grades of their students applying to UP.

On top of the already considerable job of collating and submitting the grades of their student-applicants, high schools are also dealing with the impact of COVID-19. This has resulted in a slower rate of submissions due to modified work arrangements. The declaration of enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) over the National Capital Region (NCR) and four other provinces due to the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, and the localized lockdowns elsewhere in the country, are further contributing to the delays in data integration and quality check.

Among the 108,350 who applied for first-year admission to UP for the coming academic year, an estimated 32,200 Form 2 submissions are yet to come in. This is in spite of intensified efforts on the part of UP to assist the high schools by providing more Helpdesk volunteers and more Data Control personnel proactively reaching out to high schools to offer assistance, as well as the additional help given by the UP Ugnayan ng Pahinugod’s systemwide network.

Modified timeline

The UP OAdms’ newly modified timeline sets the final deadline of all UP first-year application requirements (both Form 1 and Form 2) on 15 April. Given the adjustments in the admissions process, the UP OAdms sets the most realistic time of release of qualified UP applicants on or before 15 July 2021.

As before, high schools that have not received any notification, have changed their registered email address, or are having difficulty with online submission are advised to contact  as soon as possible.

Any inquiries, concerns and requests for assistance may also be coursed through the Online Helpdesk found in the UP Office of Admissions FB page. The Helpdesk is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Arki Week 2021

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements


The Architecture Student Council, the official course-based student organization of the BS Architecture in the University of the Philippines Mindanao, is currently organizing Architecture Week 2021 with the theme "Rethinking Architecture." On 23-25 March is the "Arki Through The Lens" photo contest on the theme "The impact of architecture on everyday life." On 24-26 March is the "Arklues For You" quiz contest. On 27 March is the "Arkilektyur Series" featuring architects Gerard Lico, Joan de Leon-Tabinas, and Ericson Europa.  
For additional questions or concerns, please email .
Mechanics, criteria, prizes, and other details of the photo contest can be found below. 
 Submit your entries here:
Click, and capture away, Arkisko and Arkiska!  
[Graphic from the Architecture Student Council]
  ArkiWeek 01 ArkiWeek Photo Rules ArkiWeek Criteria

[UPDATED] Highlights in March (part 2) + Chancellor's PAC Report

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

Read: Chancellor's March 2021 Report to the President's Advisory Council


  March 29 Poster juana-500x500  2021 ARCHI WEEK
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01 - 31 March - The University of the Philippines Mindanao joins the country in celebrating the 2021 National Women's Month (NWM). In line with this year's campaign, "Juana Laban sa Pandemya: Kaya!", we are proud to highlight resilience during this pandemic time through this photo series. #WomenMakeChange. To learn more and participate in other NWM initiatives, visit

17, 24, and 31 March - "Towards 100 Years of Resilience: From the Helm of the University Library"  A three-part online lecture series/webinar on the development of the University Library. On 17, 24, and 31 March 2021, 2:00 - 4:00 PM via Zoom Webinar. Register through the link:

23-26 March - Arki Week, spearheaded by the Architecture Student Council. #UPMindanAW2021 

27 March - "#GirlBoss Breaking Barriers: A Storytelling of Women Startup Founders," 27 March 2021 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Registration: Organized by the University of the Philippines Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGraDE), Gender and Development Office, and Davao City Integrated Gender and Development Division, in line with the National Women’s Month celebration.  

29 March - "Forum on UP Mindanao Women/Gender Studies: Perspectives, Policies, Provisions," 29 March 2021, 1-4PM Via Zoom™. For more details Register at

30 March - Instructor Lief Erikson Gamalo (Dept. of Bio. Sci. and Environmental Studies) will be a speaker on the Philippine long-tailed macaques at the UPLB Museum of Natural History Biodiversity Seminar Series on 30 March, 10AM PST. Register at HTTP://  

30 - 31 March - Assoc. Prof. John Bengan is the emcee at the online "Reading the Regions 2" conference that is organized by the National Committee on Literary Arts 

31 March - "Save Lives & Strengthen Resiliency: Basic Disaster Preparedness & Earthquake Drill" a webinar on earthquake and flood preparedness. 31 March 2021: Session 1: 9AM - 12PM, Earthquake Preparedness; Session 2: 1PM - 4PM, Flood Preparedness. Registration link:

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