Madayaw News

Oita University and JICA reps talk rabies in UPMin

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 Representatives from Oita University and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) met with researchers from the College of Science and Mathematics on August 22, 2022, to discuss the rabies research program. The visiting team was received by Chancellor Lyre Murao, Dean Dominica Dacera, Prof. Joel Hassan Tolentino, Prof. May Anne Mata, Ms. Ediflor Yanong, and research staff members.    

BS Food Tech graduate is summa cum laude

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

Klarisse Cruzado CROPTpngA BS Food Technology student graduated summa cum laude during the University of the Philippines Mindanao’s 24th Commencement Exercises held on Tuesday morning, 19 July, at its campus in Mintal. Klarisse Cruzado is UPMin’s second summa cum laude from the BS Food Technology program. She scored a cumulative weighted average grade of 1.0612, the highest record in UP Mindanao, topping the previous summa cum laude.

Three years earlier, Pete Maverick Nicole Estudillo, who was from the same program, was UPMin’s first summa cum laude.

With these achievements, Cruzado shared the pressures and expectations they entail. Amid a global pandemic, Cruzado said the biggest challenge was the loss of boundaries, routines, and privacy as she was studying her courses. The pressure from expectations also affected her greatly.

“If I focus too much on those expectations and try to mold myself into what others think of me, mapapagod lang ako,” she said.

She talked about her struggles with online classes, including deadlines, unstable internet connectivity, and the blurring of boundaries between school work and domestic situations. These contributed to the anxiety she was already experiencing. Fortunately, she was able to overcome these struggles with the support of her friends and family, by remembering her motivations, and by staying disciplined.

Cruzado also shared some ways she was able to survive her academic journey, such as establishing a routine.

“There are things that I can’t follow on the dot. But it helped that there were a lot of things that I followed as a routine. I didn’t need to overthink,” she said.

Apart from sticking to a routine, she also pursued various hobbies as a way to take a break from the pressures of school. More importantly, she emphasized that taking care of her well-being by praying, taking walks, and having movie nights helped her balance her time well.  

In her valedictory address during the 24th Commencement Exercises, Klarisse mentioned the importance of being surrounded by people who support and encourage her. She reminded people to continue sharing this support and encouragement with others, saying, “Through our hearts, we can also extend that same benevolence to others, especially those in need.”

Despite the conflicting feelings about graduating and worrying about the next step in her life, Klarisse recounted four major lessons she cherishes.

“You are not alone,” she stated, saying that people go through the same struggles and experiences and are present to encourage and motivate her.

She emphasized the importance of character and how this is more important than accomplishments. She added that the exhilarating joy of achievements is only temporary while a person’s character will remain the same.

“The people we encounter will remember our kindness, compassion, and generosity,” Klarisse emphasized.

Klarisse mentioned the significance of focusing on one’s self and finding who they are instead of listening to other people’s expectations and standards. “May we remind ourselves that we are a work in progress,” she added.

Regardless of the difficulties one may face, Klarisse urged all to take one step at a time, as this will help individuals eventually reach their goals and find their purpose.

“Truly, the future is uncertain, and some of us might never feel like we are ready, but the lessons we learned, the relationships that we made, and the growth that we experienced throughout those years are very real,” said Cruzado.

In UP Mindanao, Cruzado was able to balance her academics with her extracurricular activities. She served as an active member of the Philippine Association of Food Technologists (PAFT)-Lambda Chapter, UP Dance Ensemble, and The Smuggled Ones (SMUGS) and even assumed leadership roles.

Lecture by Professor Yong-Chao Su of Kaohsiung Medical University

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in News

2022 062422 YONG-CHAO SU
     The University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao is hosting a free webinar lecture by Associate Professor Yong-Chao Su (left) of the Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, on June 24, 2022, from 9:00-11:00 A.M. via Zoom. 
     Prof. Su will talk on "Genomic Tools for Biogeography and Ecological Adaptation - The Case of Arachnids and Insects." The talk is organized by the Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies as Lecture 2 of its Feature Lecture Series, a public offering in celebration of the 27th Anniversary of UP Mindanao.
     Interested persons may register at the URL,

ASIMOV Program-wide Congress, June 2022

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UP Mindanao's research program named Autonomous Societally Inspired Mission Oriented Vehicles [ASIMOV] held its ASIMOV Program-wide Congress on 13 June 2022, Davao City. ASIMOV is composed of:  Project 1: Harmonized Aerial Watch and Knowledge-based Survey (HAWKS); Project 2: Robot for Optimized and Autonomous Mission Enhancement Responses (ROAMER). The conference featured a demo of a prototype robot vehicle with navigation capabilities and the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the program and the agricultural partners in the banana industry. 
Davao City Mayor and now Vice President-elect of the Republic of the Philippines, Sara Duterte-Carpio, in her message, said, "Filipinos are known for gadget uses; hence I am optimistic that with their current engagement with technology, you’ll be able to encourage more Filipinos to be involved in empowering their field of research and development, including related endeavors. These artificial intelligence projects are anticipated to produce technological breakthroughs to address specific gaps and bring beneficial transformation to various industries both in the private and government sectors in the succeeding years. Today’s crucial event may open new opportunities for everyone to generate more effective methods that will help in the goal of bringing the country to a more progressive state. Congratulations and good luck in all your future endeavors!"
Program Leader Prof. Jose Ildefonse "Joe" Rubrico (Dept. of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science) acknowledged the presence of the Department of Science and Technology through the Philippine Council for Industry Energy & Emerging Technology Research & Development, the DOST Advanced Science & Technology Institute team of Project Roamer, the Philippine Space Agency, the Davao del Norte Provincial Agriculturist’s Office, the Biao Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative, the Diamond Individual Farmers Cooperative, the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) Southern Mindanao Campus and the PSHS Zamboanga Peninsula Region Campus, and the University of the Philippines Mindanao, lead implementing agency.

Outstanding Niche Center in the Region (NICER) for R&D

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 The University of the Philippines Mindanao together with its co-implementing agency, Malayan Colleges Mindanao, A Mapúa School, and collaborators of the Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support Systems in Health (AMDABiDSS-Health) were awarded as an Outstanding Niche Center in the Region (NICER) for Research & Development in the Science for Change Program Summit-Mindanao Cluster organized by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) on 27 May 2022 in Davao City.

AMDABiDSS-Health was awarded for its “enhanced disease surveillance via phylogenomics, epidemiology, and data analytics, successfully demonstrated during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its partnership with the Department of Health-Davao Center for Health Development to produce data-driven response in mitigating the transmission of COVID-19,” said the DOST statement.

UP Mindanao chancellor Prof. Lyre Anni Murao, AMDABiDSS program leader Prof. May Anne Mata, and project leader Von Carlo dela Torre received the awards for UP Mindanao and Malayan Colleges Mindanao, A Mapúa School, during the event.

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