Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) was established by the UP Board of Regents on April 17, 1997. Its main task is to supplement, complement and coordinate all learning assistance program and instructional support services to students in each campus and to ensure that the goal of promoting academic excellence will be realized in a more caring and nurturing environment. LRC at UP Mindanao, simultaneous with LRC of othe autonomous UP units, was institutionalized last April 28, 1997 as mandated by the Executive Order No. 97-01.

To promote academic excellence, the UP in Mindanao LRC has institutionalized the following programs: a) Instructional Assistance and Enrichment Program which includes the Summer Bridge Program, Peer and Faculty Conducted Tutorials, Self -Instruction Learning Materials , computer literacy training, internet services and provision of audio-visual and learning assistance facilities. b) Psychosocial Program which includes psychosocial activities and assistance services. c) Monitoring Program which includes monitoring the academic performance of SBP participants and evaluation on the effectiveness of the instructional assistance and enrichment programs.


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