
Davao Startup Week: Davao-Israel Night

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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Mr. Balzam, Israel Embassy's deputy chief of mission, speaks at the Davao Israel Night 

IDEAS Davao’s Davao Startup Week was celebrated in August, with the Davao-Israel Innovation Night held on August 12, 2022, as the highlight event. IDEAS Davao lead and UP Mindanao assistant professor Miguel Carlo Guillermo welcomed the participants and guests. 

That evening, a number of entrepreneurs pitched their startup ideas for agriculture and construction efficiency, coffee and food for social benefit, education in rural areas, and employment for disabled persons.  UP Mindanao alumnus Adrian Bernardino pitched “Hayahay,” an app for unifying business needs and processes into “one screen, one platform, one tool.”

Mr. Nir Balzam, deputy chief of mission of the Embassy of Israel in Manila, Mr. Itamar Gero of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, and Dr. Enrico  Paringit, executive director of DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) listened to the pitches. 

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Participants, guests, and organizers of Davao-Israel Night  

“Israel and the Philippines share common issues," said Mr. Gero in his keynote talk. "A pressing problem and chutzpa or courage to overcome the fear of failure are what startups need to make things happen.” 

“We want to share Israel’s experience as a startup nation," said Mr. Balzam. "We look forward to those joint proposals that will build bridges of innovation between our two countries.”  

Dir. Paringit, in his closing remarks, said, "We really need an ecosystem to support our startups delivering support, encouragement,  guidance, direction, inspiration, motivation, to make this all possible."

Davao Startup Week: Mindanao TBI Summit

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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Participants on Day 1 of the Mindanao TBI Summit 

The Philippines has moved up one step to rank 52nd in the 2021 Global Startup Ecosystem Index, with Davao coming in at #4 nationwide and #786 globally as a new entry. Ms. Russell Pili, research commercialization chief of the Department of Science and Technology, disclosed this at the Mindanao Technology Business Incubation (TBI) Summit, held on August 12-13, 2022. 

Ms. Brenda Valerio, a consultant to the Dept. of Information and Communications Technology, added that the Davao City startup community maturity is at level 3 or an “Accelerating Ecosystem,” based on density, culture, and capital, talent, and the regulatory environment. She summarized the results of the Davao City Ecosystem Mapping held on August 8, which identified 45 startups at the idea stage, 34 in the launch stage, 36 in the growth stage, and 67 supporters, composed of government, universities, and private firms.

For her part, Davao City Councilor Pilar Braga showed the 2021 city ordinance establishing the Davao City Inventions and Innovations Center. “We need you [the startups] to tell us what you need and what you want us to do,” she said. 

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Participants in Day 2 of the Mindanao TBI Summit

Priya Thatchadi of Villgro Philippines, French Llorilla of CDO Bites, and Constantino Brasileno of IDEYA also shared their business experiences on Day 2 of the Summit. In addition, DOST-XI regional director Anthony Sales and Albert Gabriel of the Department of Information and Communication Technology reported on their agencies’ TBI programs. 

The University of Mindanao hosted the two-day Summit as its offering to the first Davao Startup Week organized by IDEAS-Davao, a consortium of private and public universities, agencies, and firms convened by the University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao.

UP Mindanao chancellor Lyre Anni Murao and UM vice-president for research Maria Linda Arquiza sent messages of support to the Summit. 

In closing, Mr. Miguel Carlo Guillermo, IDEAS convenor and UP Mindanao assistant professor, said, “The Davao startup ecosystem is fast-growing; from its infancy just four years earlier, it is now poised to solve problems from the region to the nation.” 

Table Tennis Tournament for staff

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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     To help encourage employee health and wellness, the Department of Human Kinetics (DHK) and the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (OVCA) organized a three-day Table Tennis Competition for UPMin personnel at the Atrium and Mini Theater of UP Mindanao last August 4, 5, and 8, 2022. 
     The staff played in various categories over the three days of competition: Men’s Singles, Women's Singles, Men's Doubles, and Women's Doubles.
     VC Leo Manuel Estana commended Asst. Prof. Armando Salazar (DHK) for organizing the event and enjoined the personnel to also participate in the regular aerobics (“Zumba’) on Fridays and other upcoming wellness events.  
Here are the winners of each category: 
Men's Singles:
1st: Isaac Muncada, Campus Planning and Development Office (CPDO)
2nd: Clint Joey Inson, Gender and Development Office
3rd: Raymundo Pavo, Office of the Dean, CHSS
Women's Singles:
1st: Roselyn Quidlat, DHK
2nd: Keesha Eluceth Sabijon, Records Office
3rd: Carol Balgos, Land Reservations Mgt. Office (LRMO)
Men's Doubles:
1st: Teody Boylie Perez, Dept. of Humanities / Michael Gatela, Ugnayan ng Pahinungod
2nd: Magno Batomalaque, DHK/ Clint Joey Inson
3rd: Victor Estomata, CPDO / Briccio Merced, Jr., University Library
Women's Doubles:
1st: Roselyn Quidlat / Jezreel Abarca, DHK
2nd: Ma. Stella Salazar, DHK / Christine Darl Tizon, Legal Office
3rd: Keesha Eluceth Sabijon / Vina Narisma-Galvez, LRMO

Chancellor Murao sworn-in as DACUN trustee

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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Chancellor Murao (sixth from left) with the DACUN Board of Trustees  Some of the participants in the DACUN General Assembly

Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao was sworn into office as one of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Davao Colleges & Universities Network (DACUN) in an oath-taking ceremony administered by Davao City Councilor Pilar Braga during the DACUN Annual General Assembly held at the Philippine Women's College (PWC) of Davao on July 14, 2022.    

In her remarks, Chancellor Murao thanked Councilor Braga, saying, "Your presence here shows your continued support for educational endeavors."
To her fellow educators, she said, "Listening to our activity this afternoon, there's one word that sticks out and that is commitment. Commitment to quality education and sustaining that kind of education that has never changed and that will still remain the same. Yet at the same time, as we move to the new academic year, we’re all facing these new challenges that we are all excited about, and looking forward to that, because we are exploring new mindsets, new strategies, new modalities, and new experiences."
 "This has been an opportunity for all of us to rekindle our relationships here in the DACUN family and establish new relationships," she said. "I’m new in this family, but I really felt welcomed by our colleagues in the team. Thank you for welcoming me," she said.
 Outgoing DACUN president, PWC's Prof. Vicente Antonio Pijano, pointed out the continuing activities of DACUN throughout the pandemic in his president's report. This theme of the constant activity was echoed in the subsequent committee reports and plans, as well. 
The DACUN is presently composed of Assumption College of Davao, Ateneo de Davao U., Brokenshire College, Davao Doctors College, Holy Cross of Davao College, Rizal Memorial Colleges, San Pedro College, PWC of Davao, University of the Immaculate Conception, University of Mindanao, University of Southeastern Philippines, and the University of the Philippines Mindanao.  

UPMin experts train BARMM-MHSD in CLUP skills

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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UP Mindanao’s Department of Architecture team meet with officials of BARMM Ministry of Human Settlements & Development

Prof. Malaque discusses with Ms. May Quezada, Planning and Development Coordinator of Parang

   University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao’s Prof. Isidoro Malaque III led a team of architects and environmental planners to help capacitate planners of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) with technical skills for the formulation and updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP).
     Mr. Abdulhamid Alawi, Jr., chief of the Policy Development and Coordination Office of the BARMM Ministry of Human Settlements & Development (MHSD), introduced the MHSD Laboratory app, which contains information on the local government units, to the UPMin team upon their arrival.
     The team then visited the planning and development coordinators (PDCs) of Cotabato City, Parang, and Sultan Mastura towns in Maguindanao province to discuss practical tasks in formulating and updating their respective CLUPs.
     “We are impressed with the MHSD Lab application. It is good that the local government unit profiles and the status of their respective CLUPs are now in your MHSD Lab database,” said Prof. Malaque, the chairperson of the UP Mindanao Department of Architecture (DA) and team leader.
     “You already have the knowledge; we have the tools,” said Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel, the coordinator of UPMin’s Diploma and Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning (DURP/MAURP) programs. Arch. Ryan Songcayauon and Engr. Micah Amor Yares, both assistant professors, completed the UPMin team during the July 12, 2022 visit.
     "This is our academic extension offering for the BARMM, which our chancellor, Prof. Lyre Murao, asked of us," said Prof. Malaque, referring to the UP Mindanao chancellor’s plan of reaching out to the BARMM.
      "As our chancellor and UP Mindanao aims for a target number in our extension programs in the BARMM, this might count as one," he said.  
(Photos courtesy of BARMM-MHSD)

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