Message of the Chancellor, June 2022
Message of UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao
06 June 2022
Good morning to everyone. Today is my 98th day in office and in two days I will reach 100 days. First of all, I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for welcoming me into the administration and helping me facilitate the mission and the vision of this new administration.
For the past 98 days, I have found new treasures. I have seen resilient, passionate, and kind people. I have seen the genuineness in their hearts. Thank you for these people. I hope we can continue. You are jewels of the university.
To be honest, this is a very challenging task for me. This is a new challenge for me but, you know, as I journey through this new phase in the past few days I have also met people, some of them in high positions, in the same boat as well, who have taken on the same challenges and I found inspiration in them. Because despite these new challenges I saw in them the determination to move forward and to bring these challenges really to heart and accomplish something that is worthwhile in the society’s institutions that we serve. I would take on the challenge as well and we bring up something worthwhile for our institution within the next years. Now we have started crafting our strategic directions for the next years. I’m really glad that we have started that. We are working on the skeleton and in the past days, we have now placed the meat. Because I am a biologist and my examples are biological in nature. So the skeleton is there so now we have to put the organs, the muscles, into the plan so that it will take shape. And it’s now taking shape and I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in shaping our strategic plan. In the next days we will continue to work on the plan. Making a strategic plan is not easy. It is going to take a while. It's going to be a long process. It will take some iteration but I will ask for your patience as we get through this arduous but successful experience for us. Because once we have this plan before us and we know where we are going, we are now guided on what to do in the next few years.