Madayaw News

Academic Wellness Program 2023

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News



The ILC/LRC Giya website at

The UP Mindanao ILC-LRC, along with Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, is delighted to inform students that the Academic Wellness Program is still ongoing. Students' academic success is their priority, and they are committed to providing support to all Iskolar ng Bayan facing academic challenges.


1. Peer Tutorials: Dedicated peer tutors are available to make students' learning journey exciting and stress-free. Whether students prefer one-on-one sessions or group study sessions, tutors are ready to assist. This is an opportunity to enhance students' understanding of coursework with the guidance of their peers. Peer tutorials are until December 8, 2023, ONLY.

2. Study Hub (Focus Room): The ILC-LRC Study Hub, a quiet space for studying, researching, and concentrating, will remain open from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M ONLY. Walk-ins are welcome, and no reservations are required.

Call for Volunteer Peer Tutors:

The ULC-LRC believes in the strength of community support. Students who are passionate about helping their fellow Iskolar ng Bayan and want to make a positive impact, consider becoming a volunteer peer tutor. The ILC-LRC is still accepting Volunteer Peer Tutors. Peer Tutors can make a significant difference in the academic journey of their peers.

Interested students can sign up as volunteer peer tutors by completing the form here.

Peer Tutorial Booking:

To book for a peer tutorial session, please fill out the Peer Tutorial Form. Book your session at least one week in advance to secure your preferred date.

Stay updated with UP Mindanao ILC-LRC's latest events and activities by following the ILC-LRC Facebook page: [UP Mindanao Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center]( For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to ILC-LRC at .

Kahimunan: Mindanao Research Colloquium 2023

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The presenters and organizers in the "Kahimunan: Mindanao Research Colloquium 2023"  

The Department of Human Kinetics delivered the "Kahimunan: Mindanao Research Colloquium 2023" with the theme "Mindanao Sports Development" in UP Mindanao, Mintal, Davao City from November 17 to 18, 2023. Researchers gathered to present their studies related to sports development, sports performance, sports psychology, wellness and recreation, and gender equality/indigenous games.

Presenters and attendees had a fruitful discussion with respect to the methods and results of the studies.

The Department of Human Kinetics hopes that the colloquium will open up more opportunities and ideas to the participants that will help strengthen the Mindanao Sports Development Program.

Below are the studies that were presented:

"Women and Indigenous Games: Who Say Women Can't Play?" By: Prof. Genevieve Jorolan-Quintero, PhD

"Today's Challenge: The Opportunity for Enhancing Sports Activities' Resurgence and Tenacity" By Prof. Stephen A. Fadare, EdD

"The Preparatory Scheme in Sports for University Athletes" By Prof. Hendely A. Adlawan, PhD

"Perspectives of Student-Athletes on the Suspension of Sporting Events in the Pandemic Era" By Elvin Parreño, MAEd

"Psychosocial Attributes of Elite Sports Coaches" By Dr. Jonathan V. Mancao, EdD

"Factors Influencing Participation and Commitment to Youth Community Music Ensembles" By Ann K. Maniego, MMEd

"Cognizance in Sports: Blossoming Through Diverse Eras" By Prof. Hendely A. Adlawan, PhD

"How are We doing in terms of promoting physical activity among our young people? Reflecting on the Results from the Philippines 2022 Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Adolescents" By: Prof. Jonathan Y. Cagas, PhD

"Movement Behind Bars: Recreational Games for Healthy Lifestyles" By Prof. Stephen A. Fadare, EdD

"Examining the Relationship between Exercise Self-Efficacy and Physical Fitness in Community-Dwelling Older Adults" By Kenny T. Bentain, PTRP & Prof. Jonathan Y. Cagas, PhD

"Historical Analysis of Competitive Ballroom Dancing in Davao City" By: Prof. Annaliza R. Castro, EdD

"Why do people do Yoga? Examining motives across different types of yoga participants" By Prof. Jonathan Y. Cagas, PhD, Stuart J.H. Biddle, & Ineke Vergeer

The Book of Abstracts is available for download here:


UPMin signs MOA with Hospital for E-HOPE

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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Health security for UP Mindanao employees was strengthened with the signing of an agreement between UP Mindanao and the Adventist Hospital on November 14, 2023.

Employees who may require hospitalization can go for immediate confinement in the said hospital with little or no cash-out. UP's Enhanced Hospitalization Program (E-HOPE) provides an annual budget for employees in need of hospitalization.

UPMin Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao and Adventist Hospital Marketing Officer Grace Ferrater signed the agreement, witnessed by Adventist Marketing Associate Jerald Sonsona, Vice-Chancellor for Administration Leo Manuel Estana, Legal Officer Atty. Charmaine Valentin, Chief Accountant Zenaida Calatrava, HRDO representative and All-UP Employees Union President Analiza Fulvdora, Union VP Joel Sagadal, and employees.

Towards the Road to 5K

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The working group in the November 10 session
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Chancellor Murao
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Dean Nanola 

The UP Mindanao administration took further steps on the Road to 5k program. This program aims to achieve an enrollment target of 5,000 students on or before 2029. Chancellor Lyre Murao provided context by describing the obstacles to progress in Mindanao, such as the Bangsamoro region, where electricity, telecommunications, and road infrastructure, among others, are limited. Mindanao needs legislators, communicators, scientists, and many more. UPMin can contribute to overcoming these limitations by producing graduates who can use their intellect and commitment to public service toward sustainable development in Mindanao. Thus, UP Mindanao is mandated to expand its human resources development for Mindanao through increased enrollment. 

Dean Cleto Nanola Jr. facilitated the discussion on November 10. The administration team identified and enumerated resources and options to achieve this target. These include human resources, and facilities, and outreach caravans to underserved areas.      

Economic & Financial Literacy Week

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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Republic Act No. 10922, otherwise known as the Economic and Financial Literacy (EFL) Act, declares the second week of every year as Economic and Financial Literacy Week, with the ultimate goal of developing national consciousness on economic and financial literacy. RA 10922 recognizes the growth potential of the country through a financially literate population who make sound financial decisions, mobilize savings, and contribute ideas on improving economic and financial policies and programs.

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