Madayaw News

Chancellor Murao at BARMM Roundtable and Meeting

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News


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Chancellor Murao (seated, center) among the participants in the October 11, 2023, meeting and discussion 
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Chancellor Murao shares her thoughts at the discussion 

Chancellor Lyre Murao participated in the high-level meeting and roundtable discussion to harmonize existing UP-BARMM programs towards developing a harmonized research and extension agenda in line with BARMM's objectives. This is in her capacity as chairperson of the Technical Working Group for the Creation of the UP Bangsamoro Development Institute. The meeting and discussion were held at the UP National College for Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) on October 11, 2023, following the UP Bangsamoro Consultation Summit on September 13, 2023, in Davao City. The event was organized by the Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG), in partnership with BARMM Parliament's Policy Research and Legal Services, and NCPAG Governance Futures Lab. Chancellor Murao has proceeded to create a UPMin administrative team for the TWG and its partners.    

AI Durian project launched

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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Project Leader Assoc. Prof. Armacheska M. Satina introduces the project staff
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Durian industry leaders and government partners join the project staff on the October 10, 2023, launch 
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UPMin administrative and academic staff join the project meeting on October 11, 2023*  

The UP Mindanao team held a launch for their project, “AI-based Non-Invasive Grading System of Durian,” or AIDurian, at the University Library on 10 October 2023. The AIDurian project will develop durian quality classification applications using Artificial Intelligence (AI). It aims to serve the booming Davao durian export industry, which is expected to earn P14.3 billion in 2023 alone. 

Project leader Assoc. Prof. Armacheska Satina said with an 11 Million Peso grant from the DOST for multispectral and infrared cameras, the team will develop desktop and mobile phone applications for fruit quality classification. 

DuDONG, an acronym for the Durian Desktop-Operated Non-Invasive Grading System, is an app in development that uses computer vision and image processing for fruit classification. Audio technology will disclose fruit quality from the sound of gentle knocking on a durian fruit. 

INDAI, an acronym for Inspection of Durian Using AI, is an app that will generate durian fruit classification on a smartphone. INDAI has farm management tools and data storage and retrieval, as well.

At the launch, industry partners from Belviz Farms, Rosario's Delicacies, and D'Farmers Market discussed some of the challenges to the local durian industry at the launch. The other industry partners are VJT Enterprises and Eng Seng Food Products. 

The AI Durian project is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) under the Accelerated R & D Program for Capacity Building of Research & Development Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness: Industry-Level Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (I-CRADLE). Present during the launch were Supervising Science Research Specialist Maria Teresa De Guzman and Science Research Specialist Kathleen Faith Villarma of the PCAARRD’s Agricultural Resources Management Research Division. 

Also present during the launch were representatives of government partners who pledged policy actions to support the project. These are the Department of Agriculture’s High-Value Crops unit, the Bureau of Plant Industry’s Davao National Crops Research and Development Center, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Science and Technology-XI, and the Mindanao Development Authority.

The UP Mindanao interdisciplinary team is composed of Associate Professors Armacheska Satina, Vicente Calag, and Vladimer Kobayashi from the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science and Adjunct Professor Emma Ruth Bayogan of the Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies. They will be assisted by Mr. Jenno Fred Villarino, Mr. Marlon Maddara, Ms.  Leizel Secretaria, and Ms. Mary Jean Tuando.

The AIDurian project addresses the Sustainable Development Goals of work and economic growth, innovation, and quality education.   


* The UP Mindanao AI DURIAN project proponents at the project launch on October 10, 2023, with their project partners. The persons holding the project title are (left-right) DOST-XI Asst. Regional Director Mirasol Domingo, DOST-PCAARRD Science Research Specialist Kathleen Faith Villarma, Supervising Science Research Specialist Maria Teresa De Guzman, UPMin Adjunct Professor Emma Ruth Bayogan, durian grower Mary Grace Belvis, UPMin Assoc. Prof. Armacheska Satina, UPMin Asst. Prof. Vic Calag, DTI-XI Asst. Regional Director Romeo Castañaga, and grower Larry Miculob of D' Farmers Market.

**In the bottom photo, seated left-right are: Assoc. Prof. Armacheska Satina, DOST-PCAARRD Science Research Specialist Kathleen Faith Villarma, Supervising Science Research Specialist Maria Teresa De Guzman, VCAA Annabelle Novero, Vic Calag, Leo Manuel Estaña. Standing behind are project staff members Marlon Maddara, Jenno Fred Villarino, and Mary Jean Tuando, UPMin Chief Accountant Zenaida Calatrava, Assoc. Prof. Vladimer Kobayashi, Adjunct Professor Emma Ruth Bayogan, Budget Officer and BAC representative Jo-An Garcia, Project Technical Specialist Leizel Secretaria, and Michael Angela J. Urquiola.

Dean Gomez appointed to second term

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The Board of Regents, at its Special Meeting on 05 October 2023, approved the appointment of Assoc. Prof. AURELIA LUZVIMINDA V. GOMEZ
as Dean, School of Management, University of the Philippines Mindanao, effective 05 October 2023 until 04 October 2026.  

UPMin athletes compete, win in SCUAA 2023

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The UPMin delegation to the Davao Region Team 
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The medal-earning UPMin swimmers 
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The Davao Region football team
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The UPMin swim team delegation
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The UPMin table tennis players
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Alexander Fontanilla, UPMin shot put athlete 
UP Mindanao won medals from the recent State Colleges & Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) National Games in the New Clark City, Tarlac State University, and Tarlac Agricultural University on October 1–6, 2023. The Department of Human Kinetics sent 14 athletes to compete as part of the Davao Region team. 
The UP Mindanao community congratulates the athletes listed below.
Allura Dione Javier - Silver Medal - Women's 100m Freestyle; Bronze Medal - Women's 50m Freestyle; Bronze Medal - Women's 4x50m Freestyle Relay (Region XI)
Hazel Joyce Bumanglag - Bronze Medal - Women's 4x50m Freestyle Relay 
Jopeth Mendoza, Cefie Karylle Gabisan, Rebier Resurreccion -  Players with the Davao Region Football Team which placed 4th Overall 
Amado Vicente Mendoza, Xanz Riggie Portullano, George Karlo Paglinawan, and Joseph Benedict Lumanao - Athletes with the Davao Region swimming team
Reyzel E. De La Cruz and Gabrielle Xiane Bautista, athletes with the Davao Region Table Tennis Team, which reached the quarter-finals.
Jay Lord Rebucas (400m & 800m) and Alexander Fontanilla (Shot Put) of the Athletics Team for being one of the national qualifiers. 

UPMin officials take coaching training for leadership roles

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The first session trainees with trainers on July 25, 2023  
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A trust exercise at the October 3 session  
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The third batch on October 3, 2023

Various UPMin mid-level and senior officials are being trained in coaching to expand the pool of personnel to take on leadership roles.

The UPMin administration welcomed the coaching approach as appropriate for the co-creation of a positive work environment among colleagues. The coaching approach can accommodate assessments or an appreciation of leadership practices that contribute to a preferred workplace. This, in turn, helps create a transformative work or education environment envisioned by Chancellor Lyre Murao.

Licensed management coaches from Haraya Coaching are facilitating the coaching sessions.

"We shall not train you. Instead, we coach you for you to access the best in you," said Transformational Coach Maria Lea Uy-Ungson.

"We shall draw out your capabilities, gifts, talents, and wisdom from you," said Leadership Coach Jacqueline Fe Luy.

A total of 44 UPMin officials were trained from July to October 2023. These were UPMin's central administrators, college deans and secretaries, department chairpersons, academic program coordinators, key committee members, and research project leaders.

"It's not your typical leadership training," said a participant. "Drills, workshops, and situational cases are provided. The leader may take time to listen, reflect, and seek validation of one's understanding. Situational factors and personal attributes can better inform a leader's action or decision," they said.

This training helped UPMin's middle and higher-level leaders exercise their capabilities to influence organizational culture practices toward the shared vision, values, and strategies.

The training outcomes on the UPMin leaders are expected to address the Sustainable Development Goals of quality education, gender equality, and related goals.

The UP Charter has mandated UP units to maintain and enhance academic excellence and lead in setting academic standards. Toward these ends, innovations in the delivery of its teaching, research, creative work, administration, and public service functions are expected of UP officials.

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