College of Science and Mathematics

Our Daily Fish: Fisheries in the Philippines

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News


 Students, partner institutions, and government organizations from Mindanao attended Our Daily Fish': Fisheries in the Philippines—Past, Present, and Future,on 24 February 2023, at the UP Mindanao CARIM Building. The event is one of a series of Kape-Talks organized by the UP Mindanao Office of Research in partnership with the Coral Reef Resiliency and Ecology Studies (CRREST) to continue regional efforts to expand knowledge transfer and acquire new information through cooperative research projects.




The discussion was led (in the above photo, left-right) by Prof. Cleto L. Nañola Jr. of the University of the Philippines Mindanao, Prof. Kent E. Carpenter of the Old Dominion University, with Dr. Mudjekeewis Santos of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, and Prof. Richard Muallil (not in photo) of the Mindanao State University Tawi-TawiDr. Santos, in his talk, discussed the importance of having more research about fish biodiversity in establishing better protocols.


The discussion was followed by the soft launch of “Data Collection and Analyses for Reef Fish Biology,” a book edited by Dr. Cleto L. Nanola Jr. and Maybelle Fortaleza, which hopes to guide independent researchers in their own academic ventures. 


Later in the event was the ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between UP Mindanao and Davao del Norte State College. The partnered institutions, through the MOA, aim to implement the Applied Biodiversity Research for Holistic Advancements in Mindanao (ABRAHAM). The said program aims to develop an information and database system for Fish Morphology and DNA information about the Marine Fisheries in the Davao Region. This program also aims to create an open-access information system that will house and feature marine life information of studied organisms by local experts through the Marine Biodiversity Database (MaBiDa) Project.

By James Edward Pangan

Vegetable Juice Beverage, 2023

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in News

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The Technology Transfer & Business Development Office (TTBDO) hosted a demonstration on February 6, 2023, by Ms. Diane Rose G. Castillon (in photo below) and Dr. Dann Marie N. Del Mundo (Dept. of Food Science & Chemistry) for a technology developed for a juice beverage (not from concentrate) with the use of nutritious vegetables that are locally available in the Philippines. According to the demonstrators, this juice product could offer a more affordable option with the same benefit as that of juice blends in the market, making it more acceptable to the local market. 
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"We are excited by the possibilities that this research could bring," said TTBDO head Lynda Buenobra. At the conclusion of the demonstration, the team identified several opportunities to further improve the quality of the product. "We aim that this research will be successful in delivering a more accessible and nutritious beverage option to the local market," said Prof. Del Mundo.

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