
23rd Commencement Exercises

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

20210707 Graduation 2021 InviteRESIZE25

For more than a year, we still find ourselves struggling to adapt to the hurdles of a major global health crisis. However, these challenges have not hindered us from continuing to find the success we aim to achieve. They have taught us to persevere and become more resilient in the face of uncertainty. The pandemic pushed us to brave the new normal, and the time has come to reap the fruits of our efforts and sacrifices.

For the first time in its 26-year history, the University of the Philippines Mindanao will hold the 23rd Commencement Exercises entitled “Paglatas” as a virtual ceremony.

Join us as we celebrate this momentous occasion on July 13, 2021 at 8:00 AM on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Follow us on our social media accounts (@upmindanao) for more updates.

Sabay-sabay sasablay sa 2021! ❤️

UP Alumni Association forums, June 2021

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums


Dear Fellow Alumni:

I am pleased to invite you to the next session of “e-Kapihan ng Bayan sa U.P.” via Zoom on 22 June 2021, Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 a.m. (Manila time). The discussion will center on the popular community pantries, which started on Maginhawa Street in Diliman, Quezon City.

The resource speaker will be Ms. Ana Patricia Non (in photo, left) of the Maginhawa Community Pantry.

Those interested are invited to register with the UPAA Secretariat at Tels. 920-6868; 920-6871; Mobile 0917-8372098; or e-mail  to get the Zoom meeting ID and your personal participant’s password.

“E-Kapihan ng Bayan sa U.P.” is a public service project of the UPAA that aims to serve as a vehicle for intelligent and constructive discussion of issues relevant to the Filipino people’s advancement as a nation. In a democracy like the Philippines, such public discourse is a valuable tool for guiding the national leaders and all concerned citizens to collectively confront and attempt to resolve the challenges posed by current issues of general concern.

We look forward to your joining us at the e-Kapihan!

Sincerely yours,


President and Alumni Regent


2021 062621 GLOBAL-FORUMThe Global Network of the University of the Philippines Alumni Associations, in collaboration with a number of organizations, is organizing a "Global Forum on Racism, Discrimination, and Asian Hate" on 26-27 June 2021 [Philippine time: 11PM-2AM]. 
"Dear Fellow UP alumni,
I am sharing with you the flyer announcing the "Global Forum on Racism, Discrimination, and Asian Hate in support of the UNESCO Global Call Against Racism on June 26-27, 2021 [Philippine time: 11PM-2AM]. This is a UP alumni-led initiative by UPAA in America, Inc. and three European country organizations in Geneva, Germany and Netherlands in a collaborative endeavor to work together and focus on this issue that affects Filipinos who live and work in foreign countries especially in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
President Danilo Concepcion will be giving a video message during the opening ceremonies along with Vice President Leni Robredo who will also give a video message. This event will feature speakers from top-ranking diplomatic corps, UN, international advocacy groups, as well as other notable individuals from the U.S. and Europe.
I hope that you would make time to attend even a short portion of this event, especially a Fellowship gathering of UP alumni at the end of each day. Your participation will be most appreciated. The link to register is also attached.
 In U.P. spirit!
Daisy Rodriguez
National President, UPAA in America, Inc.
UPAA Global Network Organizing Committee"

UP Mindanao joins DOST-PCAARRD's 10th anniversary, 22 June 2021

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

2021 062221 LIFE PCAARRD
UP Mindanao congratulates the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) on its 10th year anniversary on 22 June 2021. As part of DOST-PCAARRD’s 10th-year anniversary celebration, the Council is holding four virtual events on June 22-24, 2021. Learn more: Join the celebration by clicking the Facebook events and registering. 
UP Mindanao will contribute to the event, "Celebrating LIFE (Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension)," on 22 June 2021 at 10:00 a.m. interested persons may register now:
A webinar on “Celebrating LIFE (Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension)
June 22, 2021 
10:00 a.m. Welcome Remarks – DOST-PCAARRD Executive Director Dr. Reynaldo Ebora
10:03 a.m. Message – DOST Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña
10:06 a.m. Message – H.E. Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Steven J Robinson AO
10:09 a.m. Prof. Andrew Campbell, CEO, ACIAR
 Voice Over Narrator and Art Cards
10:12-10:18 a.m. First session: Conflict in Mindanao (context setting); Format: Video testimonial (3 mins)
10:12 a.m. Mohamad Nor - Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Societies (CBCS) 
10:15 a.m. Mambai Mahin (Maguindanao) Farmer or community leader on impacts of conflict in  livelihoods
 Second session: Agricultural extension and partnerships in conflict-vulnerable areas. Format: Video interviews, “What does agricultural extension mean to your organization?”
10:18 a.m. Ms. Miladel Capitania (Zamboanga Sibugay) – providing basic services to constituents (amaep)
10:21 a.m. UPLB Chancellor Jose V. Camacho, Jr. – mandate of universities to provide  agricultural research, development and extension  
10:24 a.m. UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal – research, development, and extension with  focus on Mindanao communities, especially in conflict- vulnerable areas
10:27 a.m. Deputy Vice-Chancellor for College of Design and Social Context and RMIT Vice  President Professor Tim Marshall– partnerships for research, development and extension
 10:30 a.m. Conflict to LIFE. Format: Videos (2-3 mins each)
10:33 a.m. Dr. Mary Johnson and Anne Shangrila Fuentes (UP Mindanao Dept. of Social Sciences) – development of the LIFE Model  (three elements)
10:37 a.m. Nikki Cordero, MJ Titan and Mocs Sangki (LFPI) - implementing LIFE, building trust in  conflict-vulnerable areas
10:40 a.m. Dr. Melvin B. Carlos – Expansion of LIFE: Reaching more conflict-vulnerable  communities (PULL Program)
10:48 a.m. Launch of the LIFE Package 
Noel Vock – describes the LIFE package Format: Video showing materials under the  LIFE Package and the link to where these materials may be accessed (1-2 mins)
10:53 a.m. IX. A Hopeful LIFE. Format: Video testimonials (2-3 mins)
10:50 a.m. Aurora Rosal/Jaidy Cadag/Amsia/PULL sites (South Cotabato) - Farmer applying LIFE  learnings
10:53 a.m. Helen Anaud (South Cotabato) – adopting resolutions to implement LIFE Model
10:58 a.m. Henry Binahon-IEC and Training Officer, Landcare Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.  (LFPI)
11:07 a.m. Dr. Emma Ruth Bayogan (PULL, UP Mindanao) – institutionalizing LIFE in UP Mindanao
11:10 a.m. Closing – ACIAR Philippines Country Manager Mai Alagcan 
11:13 a.m. Close

Gender Sensitivity and UP ASH Code Orientation

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

GST and UP ASH Code OrientationRESIZE50The Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment and UP Mindanao Gender and Development is inviting all students to participate in this year’s Gender Sensitivity Training and UP ASH Code Orientation on 21 June 2021, 1:00-5:00 PM. Resource persons from UP Diliman’s OASH and Gender Office will give the training and Orientation. The conduct of GST and orientation is required under the UP ASH Code and the UP Gender Guidelines where orientation and clearance shall be a component of the student curriculum.

Please register through this link:


 GIANO RAY POTES is a gender advocate and researcher, and also a freelance filmmaker, dramaturg, and occasional actor. He currently works as the SOGIE Officer of the UP Diliman Gender Office and is Artistic Director of the UP Repertory Company. 

 MA. RIZZA MAE NARVAEZ is a licensed teacher and a University Research Associate at the UP Diliman Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment. She finished her bachelor's degree in Physical Education at UP Diliman College of Human Kinetics in 2008 and is currently finishing her graduate studies at the College of Social Work and Community Development.

 ALLEN JOY MARQUEZ is a student in the Masters in Arts in Theater Arts and a Graduate Assistant of the UP Diliman Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment. She finished BA Communication Arts in UP Los Baños and continues in directing and performing. She also takes part, usually a salingkit, in some productions of the UP Repertory Company.

Insights from “Function of Business in Modern Society”

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

Dr. Niceto Poblador said that business today needs to go beyond self-interest, which he explained further in his online lecture “Function of Business in Modern Society” held on 07 June 2021 which was co-organized by the UP Mindanao School of Management and the UP Diliman Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business.  

Firms traditionally had only one goal, he said, which has been shareholder wealth maximization. "To survive today the firm must create economic value for all stakeholders, " he said. He enumerated these as creating value for customers, investing in employees, fair and ethical relationships with suppliers, support to communities, and value for shareholders. 
“By implementing the allocation of value to its other stakeholders—its workers, customers, suppliers, other entities it does business with, and the community—we contend that the residual value accrued to shareholders (owners) will be consequently maximized,” he said.
Department of Trade and Industry-11 Regional Director Ma. Belenda Q. Ambi, in her reaction, said the talk affirmed some of the strategies presently being undertaken by the government for businesses to adopt an inclusive position to be sustainable and relevant. “The DTI will always champion business for its job creation, use of materials produced, use of skills and talents of individuals, production and sales, and taxes for government services,” she said. 
UP Diliman Professor Aliza Racelis, in her reaction, said, “The new business of business is the world’s well-being, the business of future generations, and the planet itself.” The field of business ethics has arisen to balance business with ethical practice and humanistic management which upholds the dignity of employees, the application of practical wisdom, and the values of industriousness and similar values. She introduced the social solidarity economy or SSD which offers economic alternatives such as cooperatives, local currency, local financial social investment, eco-industrialization, and the commons movement.
“Business can produce good goods, good work, and good wealth,” she said.
UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Cynthia Bautista, in her welcome remarks, recalled the pragmatic lessons for the Philippines to overcome the middle-income-country trap in UP’s engagement with the Asian Institute of Technology, University of Rotterdam, and the Erasmus School of Economics.
UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal, in his remarks, said Dr. Poblador has been consistent in generating new ideas, most especially needed now that business had to adapt due to the pandemic. The limitless potential of information technology has transcended geographic boundaries and enable everyone to partner with anyone everywhere in the world. “Dr. Poblador’s idea of dissecting the core concepts of stakeholder maximization can create major economic impact for the Fourth Industrial Revolution or FIRE 4.0 and INDUSTRY 5.0. We are looking forward to his new book `Strategies for the New Age of Capitalism' which the UP Mindanao SOM can use as a reference in our classes,” he said.     
Cesar Virata School of Business Dean Joel Tan-Torres, for his part, said this momentous activity is something to pursue in the months and years to come. Which can be replicated among the ten business colleges and centers across the UP System. “To collaborate and create joint activities such as the sharing of faculty and resource persons as an opportunity for the students of all units to gather in academic and non-academic events. These can lead to win-win outcomes especially for the students whom UP envisions to be good citizens and businesspersons in the future,” he said.

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