
UP Mindanao and Malayan sign Memorandum of Agreement

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

Screenshot 20210528-101424RESIZE33UP Mindanao and Malayan Colleges Mindanao (MCM) signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 28 May 2021 to undertake a marine litter research project in coastal areas in the Davao Region. MCM Pres. Dodjie Maestrecampo (in photo, standing, left) signed the MOA and committed MCM’s best resources to assist the research and its subsequent recommendations. Project Leader, Asst. Prof. Vladimer Kobayashi (in photo, standing right), introduced the project and its title, “Cost-effective technology for monitoring and quantifying benthic area covered by marine litter in shallow coastal areas.” He introduced the funding agency as DOST-PCIERRD, represented by May-Rose Pariñas, and the project partners MCM through Engr. John Paul T. Cruz, and Davao Oriental State University through Prof. Lea Jimenez, also director of the Regional Integrated Coastal Resource Management Center-Region XI. The University of Tokyo is also a partner through Prof. Katsumari Mizuno, originator of the towed-camera system to be used in the research. The project will address seven of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely: good health; clean water and sanitation; industry, innovation, and infrastructure; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; and partnerships for the Goals. UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal welcomed the partnership with MCM and DORSU, and the upcoming partnerships with local governments and communities, for the collective contribution to Mindanao and national development.

UP college application results for AY 2021-2022 to be released on 15 July

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

2021 06012021 OAds-announcement Results-2048x2048
The results of UP college admission applications for Academic Year 2021-2022 will be released on 15 July 2021.
Applicants must log on to the application portal to view the results of their applications. Applicants who qualified for admission must confirm their acceptance of their slot through the portal on or before 30 July 2021.
Inquiries, concerns, and requests for assistance may also be coursed through the Online Helpdesk found in the UP Office of Admissions FB Page.
The Helpdesk is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
The link to the UP System website is here, below:

UP Mindanao hosts IWOMB on 09-11 June 2021

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

2021 060921 IWOMB logoThe University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao will host the “4th International Workshop on Mathematical Biology'' or IWOMB 2021, to be held online via Zoom on 09-11 June 2021 with the theme "Strengthening Decision-Support Systems for Better Public Policy through Infectious Disease Modeling." 

Since its establishment in 2018, IWOMB has aimed to promote mathematical biology research in the Philippines and provide an opportunity for researchers to establish collaborations across the Philippines and abroad. IWOMB 2021 will gather Filipino and foreign experts working in mathematics and life sciences, including population dynamics, ecology, development biology, biophysics, physiology, and epidemiology, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to name a few.

The IWOMB 2021 keynote speakers are Dr. Tyll Krueger of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology on Day 1 and Dr. Jomar Rabajante of the University of the Philippines Los Baños on Day 3. The plenary speakers are: Dr. Alastair Jamieson-Lane of the University of Oldenburg, Dr. Wolfgang Bock of Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, and Dr. Alejandra Herrera-Reyes of the University of Nottingham on Day 1; Dr. Aurelio de los Reyes V of the University of the Philippines-Diliman and Dr. Youcef Mammeri of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne on Day 3.

The IWOMB 2021 keynote and plenary talks on Day 1 and all of Day 3 will be open to the public via live-streaming on YouTube. Interested persons may access the Free Live Stream through the URL, “” Upon opening the URL, click the “Subscribe” button, click the Notification Bell icon, which will open a drop-down menu, and click “All.” On the day of IWOMB, the subscriber will receive an email from YouTube containing the link to the Live Stream.

For more information, IWOMB 2021’s official website is at and the official Facebook page is

A Scientific Poster Presentation on Day 2 will feature three-minute talks by eight finalists who will communicate their scientific discoveries using popular language.  

IWOMB 2021 is designed as a workshop, or mini-course wherein selected participants are given lectures and learning materials and projects to be solved in workshop groups. The participants are expected to have learned and applied relevant mathematical modeling in solving biology-related problems by the end of the three-day event. 

The scope and instructors of IWOMB Workshop Series #1 to #6 are: “Introduction to Numerical Methods for Stochastic Models” with Dr. Herrera-Reyes & Dr. Jamieson-Lane; “From Infection to Disease Spread - Multiscale Modeling” with Dr. Alexis Erich Almocera; “Seeing you every day! Understanding Disease Dynamics using Panel Regression Approach” with UP Mindanao’s Dr. Pedro Alviola IV and Mr. Zython Paul Lachica; “Optimizing Logistical Operations in Health Services: Application of Location-allocation Models” with Dr. Rhoda Namoco; “Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology: Ordinary Differential Equations” with Dr. Stacey Smith? and Mr. Abel Lucido; and “Spatiotemporal Pattern of Infectious Diseases” with Dr. Jayrold Arcede, Dr. Randy Caga-anan, and Dr. Mammeri.

The Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support System in Health (AMDABiDSS-Health) is the lead organizer of IWOMB 2021. AMDABiDSS-Health is a newly-established UP Mindanao research center focused on deriving insights from patterns and correlations in health-related data using quantitative methods, data analytics, and applied mathematical modeling approaches. Its main objective is to create decision-support systems that will empower local government units and public health officials. AMDABiDSS-Health may be contacted through: .


Fact-checking in the time of coronavirus

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

moveph-webinar-june11-sqHow can netizens help separate fact from fiction in the time of coronavirus? To provide solutions to this question, the University of the Philippines Mindanao College of Humanities and Social Sciences is co-presenting the webinar, "MovePH webinar: Fact-checking in the time of coronavirus" on 11 June 2021. [corrected date]

The webinar is open to the public free of charge. Interested persons may register here:

MovePH, Rappler’s civic engagement arm has been leading a series of fact-checking webinars in the time of coronavirus aimed at training participants to spot disinformation online and combat it. During the webinar, Ms. Raisa Serafica, Rappler’s head of civic engagement, will discuss the internet environment during the pandemic and Ms. Vernise Tantuco, Rappler’s researcher/writer, will discuss the fact-checking methodology. There will also be a Q&A session and a spot-check exercise.

Documentation: Lecture by Dr. Niceto S. Poblador

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

7 June 2021 Webinar PosterThe UP Mindanao School of Management (SOM) and UP Diliman Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business, in cooperation with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, invite you to a lecture by Dr. Niceto S. Poblador on 7 June 2021, 10AM-12 Noon, Monday via Zoom™. He will discuss the “Function of Business in Modern Society.” The Department of Trade and Industry-11 Regional Director Ma. Belenda Q. Ambi and UP Diliman Professor Aliza Racelis will serve as Reactors.

Please register via this link

Dr. Niceto S. Poblador is a retired Professor of Economics and Management of the University of the Philippines and one of the prime movers of the UP Mindanao SOM. He is currently a Fellow of the Social Weather Station and writes columns on business and economics which can be accessed via Dr. Poblador got his PhD and M.A. (Business and Applied Economics) from the University of Pennsylvania with a Ford Foundation Fellowship, M.A. (Economics) from the University of Chicago under Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, and B.A. Economics cum laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He authored several publications including books and monographs such as Changing the Way we Manage and other Essays (2009); Global Business Leaders Show the Way: Responding to Emergent Global Challenges (2008); Strategy Demythicized: Why Today’s Business Models Fail to Deliver 2006), and The Economics of the Firm: Managerial Applications (1996). He has a forthcoming book on “STRATEGY in the New Age of Capitalism: Collaborative and Inclusive Approaches to Value Creation,” to be published by the University of the Philippines Press.

His current interests are in the dynamics of complex systems and in value creation through the effective management of knowledge. More information about his work and interests is found in

The program can be accessed via For queries, please contact SOM at email:  OR ; telephone number 295-2750; mobile number: 09189196927.

The lecture will also be live-streamed at the SOM Facebook page


UPDATE: View the video here:

Dr. Niceto Poblador said that business today needs to go beyond self-interest, which he explained further in his online lecture “Function of Business in Modern Society” held on 07 June 2021 which was co-organized by the UP Mindanao School of Management and the UP Diliman Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business.  
Firms traditionally had only one goal, he said, which has been shareholder wealth maximization. "To survive today the firm must create economic value for all stakeholders, " he said. He enumerated these as creating value for customers, investing in employees, fair and ethical relationships with suppliers, support to communities, and value for shareholders. 
“By implementing the allocation of value to its other stakeholders—its workers, customers, suppliers, other entities it does business with, and the community—we contend that the residual value accrued to shareholders (owners) will be consequently maximized,” he said.
Department of Trade and Industry-11 Regional Director Ma. Belenda Q. Ambi, in her reaction, said the talk affirmed some of the strategies presently being undertaken by the government for businesses to adopt an inclusive position to be sustainable and relevant. “The DTI will always champion business for its job creation, use of materials produced, use of skills and talents of individuals, production and sales, and taxes for government services,” she said. 
UP Diliman Professor Aliza Racelis, in her reaction, said , “The new business of business is the world’s well-being, the business of future generations, and the planet itself.” The field of business ethics has arisen to balance business with ethical practice and humanistic management which upholds the dignity of employees, the application of practical wisdom, and the values of industriousness and similar values. She introduced the social solidarity economy or SSD which offers economic alternatives such as cooperatives, local currency, local financial social investment, eco-industrialization, and the commons movement.
“Business can produce good goods, good work, and good wealth,” she said.
UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Cynthia Bautista, in her welcome remarks, recalled the pragmatic lessons for the Philippines to overcome the middle-income-country trap in UP’s engagement with the Asian Institute of Technology, University of Rotterdam, and the Erasmus School of Economics.
UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal, in his remarks, said Dr. Poblador has been consistent in generating new ideas, most especially needed now that business had to adapt due to the pandemic. The limitless potential of information technology has transcended geographic boundaries and enable everyone to partner with anyone everywhere in the world. “Dr. Poblador’s idea of dissecting the core concepts of stakeholder maximization can create major economic impact for the Fourth Industrial Revolution or FIRE 4.0 and INDUSTRY 5.0. We are looking forward to his new book `Strategies for the New Age of Capitalism' which the UP Mindanao SOM can use as a reference in our classes,” he said.     
Cesar Virata School of Business Dean Joel Tan-Torres, for his part, said this momentous activity is something to pursue in the months and years to come. Which can be replicated among the ten business colleges and centers across the UP System. “To collaborate and create joint activities such as the sharing of faculty and resource persons as an opportunity for the students of all units to gather in academic and non-academic events. These can lead to win-win outcomes especially for the students whom UP envisions to be good citizens and businesspersons in the future,” he said.

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