
UPMin SDG Report 2023

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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The Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the university’s advancements in achieving specific targets outlined in the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This inaugural annual report serves as a crucial tool for monitoring and assessing the university’s contributions toward global sustainability objectives. It highlights the institution’s commitment to addressing pressing issues such as poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, and social justice.

Through meticulous analysis and documentation, the SDG Report 2023 sheds light on the achievements and identifies areas that may require further attention and improvement. By transparently communicating the successes and challenges, the report fosters a culture of accountability and encourages collective efforts to propel the university closer to its sustainability goals. It serves as a vital resource for both internal and external audiences, demonstrating the university’s commitment to responsible and sustainable practices while inspiring continued dedication to global development targets.

For a deeper understanding of the university’s sustainability journey, we invite you to explore the complete SDG Report 2023. Here’s the link: UPMin SDG Report 2023. Press the link to access the full report and delve into the university’s progress, challenges, and ongoing commitment to fostering a sustainable and inclusive future.

MOA for a High School Sports Track program

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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Chancellor Lyre Murao shakes hands with Calinan NHS Principal Edgar Allan Bantigue 
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Officials of Calinan NHS (left) and UPMin (right) sign an agreement to collaborate on a sports track program.

UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao expressed confidence in the university's sports programs and its continuing contribution to Mindanao's sports development in remarks made upon signing a memorandum of agreement between UP Mindanao and Calinan National High School on October 20, 2023.

The agreement called for both parties to collaborate in the implementation of the high school's Sports Track program. The goal is to enhance students' interest, knowledge, and skills in sports through hands-on learning experiences, mentorship, and opportunities in sports.

UPMin will help in organizing the high school's sports program, provide mentors or experts to support the students' learning journey and facilitate opportunities for exposure.

UPMin has sports programs, such as the Associate in Arts in Sports Studies and the Bachelor in Sports Science, which high school graduates could aspire to join. Sports educators, on their part,  can avail of UPMin's Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science and the Master of Science in Human Movement Science.

Principal Edgar Allan Bantigue signed the agreement on behalf of Calinan National High School, witnessed by colleague Edgardo Bariquit.

Vice Chancellor Annabelle Novero, Department of Human Kinetics Chairperson Jezreel Abarca, and Asst. Prof. Erwin Protacio served as UPMin's witnesses to the agreement.

Chancellor Murao at BARMM Roundtable and Meeting

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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Chancellor Murao (seated, center) among the participants in the October 11, 2023, meeting and discussion 
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Chancellor Murao shares her thoughts at the discussion 

Chancellor Lyre Murao participated in the high-level meeting and roundtable discussion to harmonize existing UP-BARMM programs towards developing a harmonized research and extension agenda in line with BARMM's objectives. This is in her capacity as chairperson of the Technical Working Group for the Creation of the UP Bangsamoro Development Institute. The meeting and discussion were held at the UP National College for Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) on October 11, 2023, following the UP Bangsamoro Consultation Summit on September 13, 2023, in Davao City. The event was organized by the Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG), in partnership with BARMM Parliament's Policy Research and Legal Services, and NCPAG Governance Futures Lab. Chancellor Murao has proceeded to create a UPMin administrative team for the TWG and its partners.    

UPMin's Incident Command System Activated

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

Approved Activation of Incident Command System

The UP Mindanao Incident Command System was activated on September 27, 2023, with the Office of the Chancellor's approval of VC Estana's Letter 2023-106 dated August 22, 2023.

Prof. Cleto Nanola, Office of the Chancellor OIC, signed the approval.

Nine officials, 37 personnel, 12 UPMin constituent groups, and two external organizations, comprise the ICS.   

The designated roles are the Incident Commander, Public Information Officer, Liaison Officer, Safety Officer, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics/Transport & Relief Section Chief, Finance/Admin Section Chief, and Legal.

The Operations teams are Search & Rescue, Emergency Medical, Fire Suppression, Security, Student Safety & Welfare, Evacuation, and Damage Control/Salvage. 

The implementation of mechanisms for the operationalization of the ICS is ongoing.    

Read the approved Letter No. LMBE 2023-106 here:

UPMin is overall winner of Inter-Agency Sportsfest

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Forums

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The University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) emerged overall winner in the 1st Inter-Agency Sportsfest held on September 25, 2023, at the Davao City-UP Sports Complex. 

UPMin earned 950 points in the four-cornered competition among personnel of the Department of Science & Technology-XI, the Department of Labor & Employment-XI, the Philippine Science High School, and UPMin. 

An aerobic dance warmup opened the festivities at 7 a.m., followed by the Oath of Sportsmanship. The agency flag-raising race opened the all-day competition events and closed with the dance competition at 5 p.m.

The participants’ conduct aligned with the Inter-Agency Sportsfest's theme of "Transforming public service in the next decade: Honing agile and future-ready servant-heroes." UPMin Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao, in her remarks, said, “This is a reminder of how important sports is to our lives. Sports inspire camaraderie, friendly competition, and promotes wellness.” 

UPMin teams emerged champions in Women's Basketball, Volleyball, and Futsal.  

UPMin were champions in Women's Walkathon, Women's 50-m Sprint, Women's Badminton Singles, Mens’ Table Tennis Singles, Men's Table Tennis Doubles, Women's Table Tennis Doubles.

UPMin were also champions in Frisbee, Patintero, TikTok, Sack Race, and Latô-Latô, 

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