Latest Announcements
Extension of the call for nominations for the next Chancellor (updated)
Pre-enlistment and Registration Information, Jan-Feb 2022
From the Office of University Registrar UP Mindanao
Sat, Jan 29, 2:03 AM
Dear All,
From: 'Office of University Registrar UP Mindanao'
Date: Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Pre-enlistment and Registration Information
Dear Esteemed Faculty members and Students,
Good day!
It has been communicated to us that SAIS is experiencing some problems (inaccessibility, downtimes, etc.). This problem is system wide and the team assigned to SAIS is working around the clock to remedy the situation. However, due to time constraints and to save us from potential headaches and stresses, we are sad to announce that we are forgoing the use of SAIS this semester or until its problems are suitably addressed. Do not worry about this as this is only a temporary setback, we will persevere to fix the issues encountered by SAIS and finally use SAIS during the midyear.
In order to proceed with the pre-enlistment and enrollment, we will revert to the use of CSRS for the second semester.
The updated schedules are as follows:
Jan 28- Feb 1 → Open to all
General Registration
Feb 2 - Feb 14 → wait for further instructions on the schedule per year level
Canvas subjects and students upload
Jan 28 → start of subjects upload in canvas
Feb 4 → first batch of students upload in canvas
Other schedule:
Feb 7 → Official start of classes
Additional information:
1) For first year students, an email will be sent to you for information regarding how to access CSRS or you may follow the instructions in the guides (please see attachment).
2) Guides for pre-enlisting and enrolling thru CSRS are attached.
3) We shall observe the performance of CSRS during pre-enlistment and will manage user access if we experience problems due to session traffic.
4) For problems encountered during pre-enlistment and enrollment, please contact your registration advisers or the office of your college secretary or file a bug report in CSRS.
Contact information:
May I further request the registration advisers to be available during the pre-enlistment and enrollment activities to answer queries from students.
We will communicate to you as the need arises.
OUR, College Secretaries, ITO
Mintal, Tugbok District
8022 Davao City, Philippines
This document may be downloaded here:
Extension of the call for nominations for the next Chancellor
Statement on Donations for Typhoon Odette Survivors
UP Mindanao has launched an official donation drive for Typhoon Odette survivors and has contacted its students and personnel in affected areas. However, we have recently received a report that our university’s name is being used to solicit donations from our stakeholders. We strongly advise the public to be wary of these possible fraudulent activities. The donations accepted are purely voluntary. Neither UP Mindanao nor its personnel solicits anything of monetary value from any person or organization in the course of their official duties.