Services & Facilities

UP Mindanao Multi-purpose Cooperative

Written by Bob Mitzel Navarrete. Posted in Services and Facilities

UP Mindanao Multi-purpose Cooperative
UP Mindanao, Mintal, Davao City

Chairperson:          Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor
Vice-Chairperson:  Dr. Briccio M. Merced Jr.
BOD Members:     Mr. Michael Gatela
Ms. Lynda Buenaobra
Ms. Ma. Pamela P. Flores
Treasurer:            Mr. Riannel B. Tecson
Secretary:            Ms. Merlyn L. Mercadera
Audit and Inventory Committee
Ms. Analiza Fulvadora
Ms. Emma Ruth Caalaman
Ms. Arlene C. Gumapac
Education Committee
Ms. Michelle Panis
Ms. Julie Ann Escobillo
Ms. Ma. Mae Aborde
Election Committee
Ms. Mary Christie Estocado
Ms. Julie Ann Escobillo
Ms. Marievette Villegas
Moral & Ethics Committee
Ms. Ma. Pamela Flores
Ms. Marievette Villegas
Ms. Christie Estocado
Credit Committee
Ms. Helsa Bullicer
Ms. Annie Dismas
Ms. Alma Tesoro
Meditation Committee
Atty. Oliver Saniel
Annalyn Pasaol
Florence Aquiatan
Administrative Staff:  Arlyn C. Denosta



Written by Bob Mitzel Navarrete. Posted in Services and Facilities

Counseling Service (CS)
It is a service wherein competent staff in the Counseling and Testing Office (CTO) as well as trained peer counselors  assist individual students or a group toward better understanding of himself/themselves and his/their environment.  It encourages him/them to satisfactory adjustment or acceptable resolution of problems he/she encounters.

Individual Inventory Service (IIS)
This service pertains to the activity of gathering data about the students to enable the counselors, professors and administrators to understand the student better before counseling is conducted.  It is a cumulative record of personal, family and educational data from birth to present.  Information such as student’s family background, mental ability, interest, aptitude, achievement, personality traits and health condition serve as the key to the counseling activity upon which personal assistance is based.  The cumulative record is kept during the duration of the student’s studies in the university until five years after his/her graduation.

Psychological Testing Service (PTS)
It refers to the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests to individual or group of students used to assess his/their behavioral tendencies.  Psychological tests are also used as tools in counseling students.

Follow-up Service (FS)
Follow up sessions are conducted among students who are counseled, referred by faculty, administrators and other university staff.  The follow-up service ensures that the student has learned appropriate behaviors and decisions regarding his/her problem or need.
Career Development and Placement Service (CDPS)
This service takes care of assisting students in their career decision-making from knowing their abilities and potential, providing them information regarding the university course offerings and requirements, information on job trends, job referrals and employment opportunities.

Information Service (IS)
This service makes available to students certain kinds of information not ordinarily provided through classroom instruction.  It enables the counselor to give important facts concerning personal, social and educational adjustment.  It includes the orientation among Freshmen and incoming students, workshops, seminars and community extension services to disseminate information on the relevance of the Guidance Services to students’ adjustment and academic life as well as to provide information to ensure maximum welfare of students.

Research and Evaluation Service (RES)
A service which consists of the conduct of researches on student’s UPCAT scores, psychological test results, values, attitudes and the evaluation of the basic guidance services at the end of the school year.



Written by Bob Mitzel Navarrete. Posted in Services and Facilities

To implement these basic guidance services the following guidance programs are regularly conducted by the Counseling and Testing Office (CTO) among students:

1.    Personal Counseling (PC)

Offers counseling, problem-solving, and decision-making sessions with students.

a. Group Counseling – is arranged when students have common concerns and difficulties and are seen to benefit from a group relationship.

b. Individual Counseling – is conducted among referred counselees, those who voluntarily request for individual counseling and those with special needs and difficulties that need follow-up on a long term basis.

c. Peer Counseling – is conducted among students by trained students with listening and encouraging skills.
2. The Information Service is delivered to the students through the following programs:
2.1 Students Routine Interview (SRI)

All freshmen and student transferees are invited for an individual interview with their designated counselors to establish rapport with them and to gather information regarding their academic and personal adjustment concerns.

2.2 Readmission Evaluation Interview (REI)

A service provided to all readmitted students to assess reasons of failure and initiate appropriate recommendation to Faculty and the Dean of Students and to monitor the students’ study plan.

2.3 Exit Interview (EI)

Conducted among dismissed or graduating students transferring to other colleges or universities, on optional basis. It is designed to find out their insights regarding their academic and personal life in the university as well as to get recommendations to incoming students.

3. Psycho-Social Development program (PSDP)

All freshmen are enjoined top attend a weekly session with the Guidance Services Specialist on topics concerning their educational, social, emotional, and psychological adjustment in the university.  This program is conducted in coordination with the Learning Resource Center which provides the module and direction of the sessions.  PSDP also provides incoming students an opportunity to learn about the vision, mission, goals of U.P., its values and ideals.

4. Peer Counseling Program (PCP)

This program will provide opportunities to any U.P. students who has the interest, capability and availability to assist his peer or fellow students to improve his/her social functioning or to help him/her cope with his/her problems.  Qualified students are provided with training on self-development and counseling strategies by the Counseling and Testing Office.

5. Psychological Testing Program (PTP)

All freshmen and interested upperclassmen are provided testing on any psychological test, mental ability, aptitude, interest and personality on an optional basis.  Students who are shifting courses or are applying for readmission are required to take aptitude and interest tests.  Those who are in the academic delinquent list are tested on study habits and mental ability.

6. Job Fair Program (JFP)

All graduating students are enjoined to learn tips on applying for a job and are prospective employers before they graduate from the university.


Student Organization and Activities

Written by Bob Mitzel Navarrete. Posted in Services and Facilities

The Student Organizations and Activities Section (SOAS) is in charge with the coordination of activities, projects, and programs of the different student organizations of the university.

 The section is also responsible for the planning, coordination, and implementation of the programs and activities of and for the students. The following are some of the major activities conducted regularly.

Orientation Program of Incoming Freshmen
The activity aims provide the incoming freshmen with information which would help them become familiar with the academic policies and various student support services that they need during their stay in the university.

Freshmen Opening Program
The University would like to make the freshmen students feel comfortable and important on the first day of their classes.  Hence, holding a program for them and introducing administrators, faculty and staff are few of the simple gestures of making the freshmen commune with the already existing U.P. in Mindanao Community.

Bonfire Program
Consequently, the university will have to provide this socialization activity which will enable the freshmen and transferees to establish rapport, friendship and gel with their peers and the upperclassmen.  This relationship is seen to forge future interaction and coordination among them throughout the school year.

Orientation and Recognition Rites of Student Organizations
Student organizations must apply for or renew their recognition every academic year. A recognition committee is formed, to assess the application/renewal documents submitted as well as evaluate the student activities conducted in the previous academic year.  

A program is held to orient the student leaders on the guidelines in conducting student activities and also to formalize the recognition of the student organizations by awarding certificates. Special awards and citations are also given as a merit for outstanding activities conducted on the previous academic year.

Leadership Training Program
This is a regular activity conducted for selected recognized student organization heads and/or representatives. The training aims to develop their individual leadership skills and provide venue to form group cooperation.

Student Council Elections
To encourage democratic representation and the right of students to organize for self-government, student councils will be maintained in the university. A student can run for a seat in the University Student Council and College Student Council.

Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT)
The Tribunal has jurisdiction over all cases involving non-adherence to the Rules and Regulations of Student Discipline.  Erring students are tried by the tribunal and penalties are imposed on them.  It keeps records of all student offenders.  Information about student offenses is sent to the respective College Secretary, to the Office of the University Registrar and to the parents of the students’.  The Tribunal aims to correct the misbehavior of the students and instill discipline in them.



Written by Bob Mitzel Navarrete. Posted in Services and Facilities

The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) is a service unit of the University. It attends to the needs not only of the students but also of the faculty, personnel, parents, alumni, and the general public. Furthermore, it serves the students before, during, and after their stay in the University - from the time of application, to admission, to every registration period, through graduation or withdrawal from the University, and even after they leave the University.

In general, the OUR screens undergraduate applications for admission, issues official transcripts of records, maintains records of students, and in coordination with each college administration and other University offices, registers qualified students and attends to preparations relative to graduation. It also renders secretariat services for the University Council and some of its committees. Moreover, the OUR is in charge of information materials such as the general catalogue and information bulletin.

The OUR maintains the academic records of students enrolled in the University; and evaluate the records of candidates for graduation and for honors. It issues certificates of completion of requirements and units earned. The OUR also processes applications for deferment of enrolment, honorable dismissal and student clearance, prepares and issues transcripts of records.

The billing and assessment aspects of registration and other registration needs of the students are handled by the OUR in collaboration with the colleges and OSA. It prepares statements of accounts for scholars and processes the refund vouchers of students who either withdraw, had a change in STFAP bracket assignment or were over assessed in their registration.

The OUR is also in-charge of the maintenance of all University Council proceedings, as well as excerpts of BOR meetings and such communications that need to be filed for record purposes.

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