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UPCAT 2025 application extended to 31 May 2024

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

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Submit Form 1 by 31 May 2024 at, to be able to take the UPCAT on 10-11 August 2024.
The Form 2A and confirmation and submission deadline by the Senior High School administrators are likewise extended until 7 June 2024.
For concerns, please visit the online helpdesk at

The TWG BDI and BARMM consultations in May 2024

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

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The TWG-BDI with the Cotabato-based alumni

On May 9-10, 2024, the Technical Working Group for the Creation of the UP Bangsamoro Development Institute (TWG-BDI), composed of Chancellor Murao, Martin Hilarion Mapolon, Gracita Jacinto-Ali, Maria Victoria Espaldon, UPMin Pahinungod Director Michael Gatela, UPMin Extension Director Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel and the TWG staff members John Carlo Evardo and Nhikki Lumayag traveled to Cotabato City, where they met the heads and officials of three BARMM ministries all in one day.

In a dinner meeting upon the TWG's arrival on May 9, 2024, the Cotabato-based alumni, many of whom hold key positions in the BARMM government, pledged to support the establishment of the BDI. The alumni also discussed the possibility of creating a BARMM-wide alumni association.

UPCAT2025 application deadline on May 15, 2024

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements


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The UP Office of Admissions wishes to remind interested applicants that the deadline for the submission of applications for the UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) 2025* is May 15, 2024. 

This notice is for senior high school students who seek admission to UP in the Academic Year 2025-2026.

Interested applicants and high school administrators may visit the UPCAT 2025 portal at

Student applicants may download the UPCAT 2025 Form 1, complete it, and submit it on or before May 15, 2024.

High school administrators may likewise download UPCAT 2025 Form 2, complete it, and submit it by May 22, 2024.

Applications may be submitted online or by mail.

The onsite UPCAT 2025 examination will be held from Aug. 10 to 11, 2024, in designated UPCAT 2025 test centers nationwide.

For more information and inquiries, visit the UPCAT-UP System Facebook page ( or email .


*UPCAT 2025 is not to be confused with UPCAT 2024, which was administered to applicants in 2023 for admission in Academic Year 2024-2025.


UP President Angelo Jimenez announces new courses for UPMin

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

UP announces new degree programs in Mindanao campus and more inclusive admissions policy nationwide

May 9, 2024 | Written by Jo. Florendo B. Lontoc


UP President Angelo Jimenez speaking to members of the news media in a press conference in UP Mindanao. UP MPRO Photo.

University of the Philippines (UP) President Angelo Jimenez announced in a conference on May 7 that several new degree programs would be hosted and offered by UP Mindanao, in line with the University’s strategic thrust to contribute more actively to the growth and development in the region. Jimenez also unveiled concrete plans to make UP admissions more inclusive for applicants from geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, including several provinces of Mindanao.

“UP has a mandate of public service, so here in Mindanao, we hope to build local capacities and expertise in order to have the greatest impact on long-term development,” Jimenez told the local media at Lemito Hall at the UP Mindanao campus in Mintal, Davao City.

UP Mindanao will introduce programs in Doctor of Medicine beginning the Academic Year 2025-2026 in cooperation with the College of Medicine of UP Manila. UP Mindanao will become the first state university in Davao City to offer the MD program.

At the same time, the UP constituent university (CU) will also launch a program in Civil Engineering in cooperation with the UP Diliman Institute of Civil Engineering, an Associate in Entrepreneurship, and two new Master of Science offerings.

The Associate in Entrepreneurship will be under the CU’s School of Management and aimed at promoting a culture of innovation and supporting the local start-up ecosystem.

An MS in Quantitative Methods in Modeling will be instituted to help upskill graduates of BS Applied Mathematics and BS Computer Science to meet advanced industry requirements. UP Mindanao will also offer a new MS Biology program, with four specialty tracks adopted from the Institute of Biology in UP Diliman.

According to Rene Estremera, UP Mindanao Public Relations Officer, the launch of the programs was part of the UP Mindanao R2-5K agenda, or “The Road to 5,000 Students,” which aims to improve the campus's academic profile while increasing enrollment from the current 1,400 students to 5,000 by 2029.

Democratizing student admissions

This is also in line with a current UP System thrust to democratize student admissions. Jimenez spoke of encouraging more UP enrollment from public schools and the geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas of Mindanao. Part of the strategy is to increase UP College Admissions Testing (UPCAT) centers to at least one per province by 2025. UP is also setting aside funds for a program to subsidize living and study expenses of UPCAT passers who could not afford them.

Jimenez emphasized his Manobo roots as UP President and his intention “to make a pivot to Mindanao.”

The UP President, the first one to be officially conferred the title at UP Mindanao, also answered questions alongside UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao on establishing a UP-Bangsamoro Development Institute and a Mindanao Sports Development and Training Institute on campus, on internally generating funds to support UPCAT passers belonging to marginalized sectors; on finding means to logistically support the new UP Mindanao offerings; and on current UP programs to promote mental health among its constituents.


President Jimenez rolls out UP Strat Plan in UPMin

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

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The press conference 
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The town hall meeting

University President Angelo Jimenez rolled out the UP Strategic Plan to UP Mindanao constituents and the public in a visit on May 7, 2024. President Jimenez started with a press conference, alongside UPMin chancellor Lyre Anni Murao, to share the UP strategic plan with the media. He announced UP Mindanao's upcoming medical program, to be offered in cooperation with the UP College of Medicine, and a civil engineering program in cooperation with the UP College of Engineering. Chancellor Murao added that UPMin units would offer a Master of Science (MS) in Quantitative Methods and Modeling, an MS in Biology, and an Associate in Arts in Entrepreneurship in the next academic year. These are part of UPMin's R2-5K, or "The Road to 5,000 Students," which aims to increase enrollment from the current 1,400 students to 5,000 by 2029.

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