The Revitalized GE Program

Dr. Francisco Nemenzo Jr., who became UP president in 1999, committed his administration to “develop the student’s breadth and depth of wisdom...thus[it is] imperative to restore the liberal arts as the foundation of the undergraduate curriculum hence, the revitalization of the GE program.”

According to him “[General Education should] not promote a particular line of thought. It is supposed to acquaint the students with the diversity of knowledge and expose them to various ways of appreciating reality so they may think for themselves and form intelligent positions.”

After having been scrutinized through “GE conversations” and consultation with various sectors of the University, the Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP), was approved by the UP Board of Regents in 2001.

Unlike the previous versions of GE program,. (1960 implementation under Sinco; 1986 revision under Angara), the RGEP follows a semi-structured approach (choice as against prescription) with common goals and learner customized content. In other words, the students are given the option of choosing their GE courses. The principle is, if the University is to inspire the students to learn, then they are likely to perform better in courses which they choose rather than in courses that they have no interest in but are required to take.

With the RGEP, a student selects the general education courses he wants within the three identified domains of knowledge:

Arts and Humanities (AH)
Social Sciences and Philosophy (SSP)
Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST)

A student must take 15 units in each domain subject to the rules on equivalencies and depending on the requirements of his degree program.


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