Madayaw News

UPMin prof gets first MJSTEP scholarship

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News


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Asst. Prof. Cyrose Suzie Millado Architect's conception of the pilot buildings for the UPMin KIST Park

University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Annabelle Novero announced that the Mindanao Japan Science and Technology Platform (MJSTEP) awarded its first scholarship slot to UPMin faculty member Asst. Prof. Cyrose Suzie Millado. 

Asst. Prof. Millado will pursue her PhD studies in the Division of Biological Sciences (Department of Biophysics) at Kyoto University's Uji campus.

UPMIN, DCNHS sign agreement for Sports Track

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News


The University of the Philippines Mindanao (UPMin) and the Davao City National High School (DCNHS) signed a memorandum of agreement on May 22, 2024, to implement the sports track program at the said high school. UPMin Chancellor Lyre Anni E. Murao and DCNHS Principal Evelyn E. Magno signed the agreement as heads of their respective schools, while UPMin College of Humanities and Social Science dean, Prof. Jhoanna Lynn Cruz, Department of Human Kinetics (DHK) chairperson, Assistant Professor Jezreel Abarca, and DCNHS’s Maja Michele Alcain served as witnesses to the agreement.

DZUP features proposed UP Bangsamoro Development Institute

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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DZUP's Rex Espiritu interviewed UP Mindanao chancellor Prof. Lyre Anni Murao on the proposed UP Bangsamoro Development Institute in the DZUP Balita episode of May 22, 2024. Chancellor Murao was interviewed in her capacity as chairperson of the Technical Working Group for the Creation of the UP Bangsamoro Development Institute (BDI).

In the interview, Chancellor Murao stated that UP has been involved in Bangsamoro with about 70 projects in the past two decades. However, the belief that UP can give more gave birth to the idea of creating the BDI. She mentioned the BDI's goals to be a think tank, adopt a multi-sectoral engagement with the BARMM and its external stakeholders, and institutionalize UP's commitment by creating the UP BDI. She emphasized that UP's approach should be within the context and aligned with BARMM's plans. She enumerated nine "baskets" of offerings that UP can offer BARMM: food, health, education, the environment and ecology, information and communication technology (ICT), governance, economics, maritime science, and culture and the arts.

View the live interview recording here:

UPCAT 2025 application extended to 31 May 2024

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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Submit Form 1 by 31 May 2024 at, to be able to take the UPCAT on 10-11 August 2024.
The Form 2A and confirmation and submission deadline by the Senior High School administrators are likewise extended until 7 June 2024.
For concerns, please visit the online helpdesk at


The TWG BDI and BARMM consultations in May 2024

Written by Rene Estremera on . Posted in Madayaw News

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The TWG-BDI with the Cotabato-based alumni

On May 9-10, 2024, the Technical Working Group for the Creation of the UP Bangsamoro Development Institute (TWG-BDI), composed of Chancellor Murao, Martin Hilarion Mapolon, Gracita Jacinto-Ali, Maria Victoria Espaldon, UPMin Pahinungod Director Michael Gatela, UPMin Extension Director Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel and the TWG staff members John Carlo Evardo and Nhikki Lumayag traveled to Cotabato City, where they met the heads and officials of three BARMM ministries all in one day.

In a dinner meeting upon the TWG's arrival on May 9, 2024, the Cotabato-based alumni, many of whom hold key positions in the BARMM government, pledged to support the establishment of the BDI. The alumni also discussed the possibility of creating a BARMM-wide alumni association.

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